Episode 6: Truth Seekers: Finale

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We get our sights on Y/n, Blitz, and Moxxie as they all eventually snapped out of their own Hallucinations and saw the gas disappearing. All three of them looked unsure of what to say before Moxxie sighed and took initiative, being the first to speak 

Moxxie: "Do you remember what you said to me? After my first day at the company?" 

Blitz: "Not really" 

Moxxie: "I remember... you told me I did a good job a-and that you were proud to work with me. I feel like you wanted to say something more judgmental but, you said that because I needed it...and it helped" 

Blitz: "Look, I'm hard on you because I know what you're capable of Mox, you care too much about what everyone thinks except for me because you know, my opinion is correct, but just keep doing a good job. 'Kay? You shoot and kill good and escape things easy. You could be strategic and cold blooded when you need too and don't expect anymore compliments, I'm maxed out" 

Moxxie: "Thank you sir-" 

Blitz: "You know my name, use it" 

Moxxie: "Thanks...Blitz"

Y/n: "Blitz, Moxxie...when we get out of this, I'd like to ask you both something very important, do you think you two could hear me out? It's to do with what I said earlier" 

Blitz: "What exactly, you dying or playing with my daughter's feelings?" 

Y/n: "Both actually"

Blitz: "...Well, I guess I can hear you out"

Moxxie: "Sure thing Y/n" 

Y/n: "Thanks guys" 

They were suddenly interrupted by the sound of something crawling in the roof above them before a hole was made as Millie crashed through and looked at the three of them with a smile as they did the same before she ran over and began untying them

Moxxie: "There's my Millie!" 

Y/n: "Right on time!" 

Blitz: "Impressive work Mills! How'd you get here all by yourself?"

Mere moments after he said that, the observation window was smashed open by Loona who currently had her normal hellhound ears back and held Agent Two like a battering ram, the agent covered in broken shards of glass and partially conscious while Agent One looked mildly inconvenienced by the current ordeal 

Blitz: "Loonie!?"

Loona: "Get your asses out here before more fuckers show up!" 

Loona then tossed Agent two towards Agent One as she changed back into her true form and dropped the bag into the middle of the group, Blitz and Moxxie smiling as they armed themselves while Y/n took a deep breath before exhaling and nodding his head as he looked to Loona with a smile, something that didn't go unnoticed by the Hellhound who looked at him with a raised eyebrow 

Loona: "What's your problem-" 

She was cut off when Y/n gave her a quick peck on the lips before stepping back, watching as a blush exploded her face and she froze up while her tail was wagging erratically before Y/n spoke up again, placing a hand on her shoulder 

Y/n: "I've got a lot to confess after this, if you'll hear me out, I understand if you'll hate me after though" 

Loona: "H-Huh? what are you talking-" 

She was cut off when Agent One weakly pressed an alarm button on the console before falling back down as everyone looked towards one of the speakers that the alarm was blaring from and Y/n went towards the bag and began to dig around it 

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