The Princess and the Half Breed

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The chapter begins in the Goetia family's Palace in the afternoon where we get the sight of Octavia who was cleaning the dust from one of her wall mounted taxidermy decorations, this one being the head of a strange beast with horns, pale blue eyes, and black and grey fur 

The chapter begins in the Goetia family's Palace in the afternoon where we get the sight of Octavia who was cleaning the dust from one of her wall mounted taxidermy decorations, this one being the head of a strange beast with horns, pale blue eyes...

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(This belongs to Zarathus on Deviantart)

While she was busy cleaning it and making sure there was no wear and tear, she then heard a knocking noise coming from her bedroom window, something that confused her seeing as her room was located on a floor high above the ground. 

Placing the Taxidermized creature back on the wall, she then made her way over to the curtain that covered the window the knock first came from and pulled it open her eyes briefly being blinded by the sunlight invading her room before adjusting to see the upside down shape of Y/n hanging outside the window by his tail like a spider monkey and a smile on his face while he wore a pair of black pants and a white dress shirt 

Y/n: "Hey, wanna hang out?" 

Octavia: "Y/n? what are you doing?!" 

Y/n: "I was in the neighborhood, thought I'd stop by, if you're busy I can-" 

Before he could even finish his sentence, Octavia opened the window and dragged him inside, landing on the ground with a soft thud while Octavia shut the window and closed the curtains again 

Y/n: "Or not..." 

Y/n then hopped to his feet as he had to slightly look up in order to meet Octavia's gaze as a small smile graced her face before she moved past him and towards her desk where another taxidermized wall mount was sitting, this one being a deer head as she grabbed a moist cloth and began to gently clean the antlers 

Octavia: "Why didn't you just use the front door instead of climbing all the way up here?" 

Y/n: "I didn't want to take the risk of running into your mother seeing as she'd probably try and kill me the moment she saw me" 

Octavia: "that's...a valid reason actually. hey, you think you could help me with this?"  

Y/n: "Sure, what can I do to help?" 

Octavia: "I just need you to hold it against the wall to let me decide where to hang it up" 

Y/n: "Sure" 

Octavia then took a few steps backwards to get a better view of the wall while Y/n carefully grabbed the deer head and put it against a clear spot on the wall while Octavia was thinking about where it should be placed 

Octavia: "...A couple steps to the left" 

Y/n then moved a couple steps to the left as he then stopped and waited for an answer 

Octavia: "Move it upwards" 

Y/n then moved the deer head up while Octavia kept watching but while she watched him, her focus began to wander from their current task and soon began to travel down Y/n's body, coming to a stop on his behind as she watched his tail swish from side to side in an almost hypnotic state tuning everything else out as she eyed him up and down while Y/n spoke up 

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