Fulfilling a Contract

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(This chapter will serve as the intro to the lemon before dedicating the entire next chapter towards the Lemon itself)


We begin this chapter a few days after I.M.P had returned from the Wrath Ring and we find ourselves in Y/n's floor as he could be seen in his workshop in front of a fake corpse with a bucket attached to it's head and a chain attached to the bucket that lead to a wall with a buzz saw implanted 

Y/n walked over to the wall and with the press of a button above the sawblade, the chain attached to the bucket began to drag the body to the wall as the buzz saw roared to life with it's terrifying 'Whirr' while Y/n watched with a pair of goggles covering his eyes and a clipboard in his hands as he watched the machine do it's work 

He didn't have to wait long though as the body eventually made contact with the saw blade and the ear deafening sound of metal being shredded before fake blood began to splatter  along the wall, floor, ceiling, and Y/n's face before sparks shot out of the wall and the blade stopped 

Y/n: "Hmm, worked better than last time" 

Outside his workshop, we get our sights on Matilda as she sat at a desk filing away documents from the other businesses that used the office building Y/n owned. While she did this, the sound of the elevator opening up was heard and we get our sights on a pair of black thigh high boots stepping off the elevator and walking towards Matilda's desk before eventually coming to a stop As Matilda kept working but spoke up 

Matilda: "Can I help you?" 

In response, the person spoke, an Italian-American accent present in their voice 

???: "I'm here to pick up your boss" 

Matilda: "Do you have an appointment?" 

???: "Take a look at me sweetheart" 

Taking a moment to look up from the work she was doing, we got a better look at the woman standing before her. 

The woman is a tall Spider demon, she has a slender build with fluffy white hair and pink details on her fur, including a pink heart on the back of her head and on her chest with a line going down to her crotch area. She wears notable eye shadow and eyeliner and while both of her irises are pink, her left eye has a dark sclera and no pupil. She also possesses a single golden fang among her sharp teeth 

Her attire consists of a white suit with pink stripes, a black and pink bow tie, a black choker, pink gloves, black mini-shorts, and long black thigh high heels which increase her height to that of around nearly 8'0" tall while in one of her hands, she carried a plastic bag

Her attire consists of a white suit with pink stripes, a black and pink bow tie, a black choker, pink gloves, black mini-shorts, and long black thigh high heels which increase her height to that of around nearly 8'0" tall while in one of her hands...

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(As you all know, this belongs to Usagi Star on twitter who is responsible for a vast majority of the genderswapped characters you all see in these stories, go check them out if you haven't still I encourage you to do so)

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