~Performance Bonus~

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We begin this chapter a few hours after the events of the previous chapter. Here, we see Y/n as he was on the phone with someone, it was clearly the end of the conversation as he said his goodbyes before ending the call, Baphomet and Maxi nowhere in sight, neither were the former of the two's employees

Behind him, Ms. Mayberry was there as she approached him with a stack of papers. She cleared her throat to get his attention and he turned with a smile 

Y/n: "Yes, dear?" 

Matilda: "I've got these papers I need you to sign, honey" 

Y/n: "Of course, let's go through them together, let's go to my office and work there" 

Ms. Mayberry nodded her head and the two entered his office where they spent the next hour going over the pile of documents that needed Y/n's attention. Most of them were to do with other businesses that were in the Pride Ring. Most of them were small businesses that were given ludicrous renting prices, so he decided to at least reduce to something more affordable based on the type of business and how much they make

While they worked, Y/n's attention was soon grabbed when Ms. Mayberry leaned over his shoulder, placing one particular piece of paper in front of him 

Matilda: "This one is a deed for an estate here in Pride, usually something that Mammon must have used when trying to win over potential "business partners" from what the expenses for the place explain. Of course, there's the main house. But then there's the servant's house, garden, multi-purpose studio, swimming pool-" 

As she listed off stuff, Y/n took notice of two things about her. First, was her attire. It had changed from earlier in the day, now she wore a shorter skirt that barely reached her thighs. A length that if she were to bend over, he might see what was underneath. She also wore a white, Tie Blouse. The second thing that Y/n took notice of, was the way she was ever so slightly pressing her body against his. One of her hands gently pressing against his thigh and giving it a rub while she spoke

Matilda: "Sir, is there something wrong~?" 

Hearing her ask that question, Y/n snapped out of his examination of his girlfriend and employee. He was going to get back to work, but he then saw the look on her face. The ever so faint smirk and look in her eyes, like an expression of smug confidence. She then spoke with tone of fake innocence 

Matilda: "You seem, distracted. Can I help~?" 

Y/n knew what she was doing, and she knew that he knew as told by the look in her eyes while her smirk grew. Y/n then gave a smirk back at her before he replied

Y/n: "You know what, I think you can~" 

He ended that sentence by grabbing her ass, a move that made her gasp a little while Y/n then leaned in closer to her ear to whisper 

Y/n: "Don't think I haven't noticed how hard you've been working since you got here, Ms. Mayberry. I think you deserve a... big bonus for your hard work~" 

He continued to gently massage the ass cheek that his hand was on while Ms. Mayberry softly moaned before Y/n then moved the hand away from her ass and instead grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down into his lap. With her back against his chest, she then felt him wrap his arms around her body and a hand go to her chest and start groping her softly while the other moved down to her skirt before sliding up it. There, he made a discovery in both areas 

Y/n: "Not wearing anything under these, are you? Naughty girl~" 

Y/n then began to tease her by gently tracing two fingers around her folds, getting more moans from her as he then slid his other hand up her blouse and began to grope one of her tits directly. As he did this, he would plant soft kisses along her neck and collar bone 

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