The Princess of Hell

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We begin this chapter moments after where we last left off, we find ourselves with Y/n who was now getting out of the shower, whistling to himself with a towel around his waist and eyes shut as he left the bathroom, only to hear someone else whistle in addition to a gasp from someone else, and a groan from a third 

Stopping in his tracks and mid-whistle, he opened his eyes to see Angel Dust and the other two standing there in his bedroom. The former of the three grinning as she looked him up and down while the other two averted their gaze out of respect

Angel Dust: "Hey there boss, looking good~" 

Y/n didn't answer, instead he whistled in reverse while walking backwards and back into the bathroom before slamming the door shut. Angel then looked at the other two with a grin and shrugged her shoulders

Angel: "I'm sure he's just a little shy"

Back in the bathroom, Y/n was having a panic attack, a hand over his chest as he felt his heart in his throat before taking a breath to try and calm his nerves

Y/n: "It's alright Y/n, just... calm down! It's not like she knows who you are, for all you know, she could just be here because either Angel Dust talked about you. And she doesn't know who you are" 

While he was whispering this to himself, the sound of knocking could be heard, followed by a new voice 

???: "Excuse me, Mr. L/n? I apologize for not scheduling a meeting, but I had to meet you. After all, you are the son of the Hellsinger" 

Y/n: "N-No, I'm not! What makes you think that?" 

Y/n called out to the voice as he was panicking even more

???: "Well, you left your weapons on your bed, and I... saw you talking to her grave when you visited her last time" 

Y/n's already grey skin turned white as he heard that admission, looking to the door with alarm

Y/n: "There's no getting you to leave, is there?" 

???: "I'm afraid no, sorry" 

Hearing this, Y/n sighed before we then get the sight of outside the room where the blonde haired woman was standing in front of the bathroom door. From how close she was, she heard the sound of something happening within there, getting her attention as she gripped the handle to the bathroom 

???: "Mr. L/n, are you alright? I'm going to open the door now!" 

Angel Dust: "Looking to get a peek, are we?" 

??? 2: "Charlie, wait, he's still-" 

Charlie then threw open the door, only to find it was empty and no sign of Y/n anywhere. This made her look down saddened as she thought he ran, until the sound of his voice got everyone's attention 

Y/n: "I would at least like it if you don't ambush me in my own room, I do have an office after all" 

Looking towards the voice, they saw Y/n standing behind them all and at the door to his closet, dressed in a business shirt and suit pants while his hair was done up to look neat and tidy. Despite the nervous look on his face, he still had a smile as he approached the door that leads to his office and opened it

Y/n: "Please, wait inside while I deal with something for a quick moment" 

Charlie, Angel Dust, and the other unidentified woman all nodded their heads before entering the office. Y/n then walked towards the door they came from, peeking out to see a panicking Ms. Mayberry who snapped to attention upon seeing him 

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