Much Needed "Renovations"

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Montage POV 

We begin this chapter moments after where we left off, beginning with everyone within a hallway lined with various doors, the four looking at each other with sledgehammers in their hands before nodding to each other as they got to work on smashing the walls down, leaving the doorframes intact and untouched from the destruction, the entire job taking upwards of three hours and only getting half of the hallway done 

Once they had reached the halfway mark, everyone except for Y/n took a break as Y/n then made his way back to the Golden Room where multiple large crates could be seen. Taking a crowbar, Y/n then pried the first crate open to reveal it was filled with all sorts of menacing looking materials. Ranging from large retractable spikes, Shotguns, Light Machine Guns, Razor Wire, Piano Wire, pressure plates, motion sensors, cameras, speakers, and much, much more 

The scene then changed to show Y/n as he was now sitting before a large pile of spikes and metal plates, a welding mask on his face and a blowtorch in hand before he got to work with building the first contraption, the camera filling with sparks as the camera then changed to show Y/n being finished as they all helped him with placing the metal panels within the holes that used to have regular walls between them. 

Once the panels were in place, everyone stood behind Y/n as he then connected the power to the walls before grabbing an apple, taking a bite out of it, and then tossing the apple down the hallway. Before the apple had even hit the ground, it triggered a motion detector as the hallway was then filled with hundreds of spikes and obliterating the apple

Happy with the results, everyone shared a high-five before Y/n disconnected the power from the trap and everyone got to work on covering it up with wallpaper that was identical to the rest, making it impossible to tell it had been tampered with  

They would repeat this with other hallways but would change up the approaching trap, the lower floors getting parts of their floors changed with mousetrap-like designs that would trigger a frame lined with piano wire to snap and slice through whoever stood in their way, the higher ones getting the ceilings changed to have metal panels to slam down and crush those underneath, and others getting all three

Next, we got the sight of everyone with a pile of Sawn-off Double Barrel Shotguns to the side as he and everyone were packing empty shotguns shells with broken down holy spears gathered by Y/n's trips during purges to serve as shrapnel based ammunition 

Once the shells were packed, everyone loaded the shotguns before Y/n put his hobby to use and began to attach them to doorways that any angels could enter through could enter through. With some doorways, he'd place them above so they'd shoot downwards, others he'd place them at an estimated knee height

When in place, Y/n would place a simple string based trigger onto the trigger of the gun and then onto the handle of the door so that whoever would open it would be in for a nasty surprise

With that, the first day was over as everyone, save for Y/n went home, Y/n himself staying there as he then got to work on the LMG's. for these, he'd place them in strategic corners throughout the hotel, and attached to automated mounts, turning them into sentry guns that would automatically fire upon anyone not marked as a friendly in the IFF system, each one filled with high explosive ammunition

Doing this on his own, took him several hours, and by the time he was finished with this, he could tell it was morning due to his phone's alarm ringing and despite the tiredness within his system, he soldiered on. Opening a door to allow the others back and knowing his drowsiness would inhibit his reaction time and concentration on making traps, he gave everyone instructions on what they can do while he took a few hours of rest on a nearby couch

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