Season 2: Episode 5: Unhappy Campers

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We begin this chapter with Y/n and Ms. Mayberry sitting together as they work through the countless files and documents that were the results of the businesses that were renting a space within his building

The two of them sat in silence as they worked through this until Y/n eventually was the first to break the silence 

Y/n: "We need to hire more people for this" 

Matilda: "Oh my god, yes! Thank you for bringing that up, I would have said something, but I didn't want to come off as sounding lazy" 

Y/n then started gathering the documents up before placing them on the desk

Y/n: "Tell you what, we leave these for now and we'll get to work on organizing an ad to have some positions filled, sound good?" 

Matilda: "It sounds perfect" 

The two then began to work together and put the documents away while we then get a change of scenery to the Sloth Ring. Here, we see Blitz as he peeks from a bush and towards a rehabilitation center within the ring before he sneaks towards it and starts climbing up the building and stops at a window 

Blitz: "Come on, come on, come on!"

As he slides the window open, he struggles to fit inside until he then finally managed to do so, causing him to fall into the building and roll across the ground. Once he stops, he looked around, thinking he hadn't alerted anyone. That is, until, the sound of a taser is heard and he's shocked from behind by a nurse 

Nurse: "Well if it isn't the deadbeat" 

Blitz then stood up as he looked to the nurse while dusting himself off, the two seemingly knowing each other to an extent

Blitz: "Well, if it isn't nurse pussy face!"

Nurse: "You ain't getting in here! How many times do I have to sodomize you with a taser before you take a hint?!"

Blitz: "As many as it takes to get me off, now enough with this foreplay, where's Barb?" 

Nurse: "She checked out months ago. But that ain't none of your business!"

Blitz seemed shocked at the news of this person he was looking for, wasn't here and hadn't been here for a long time 

Blitz: "Wait, what? But how? This isn't- where the fuck did she go?" 

The Nurse then threatened him with the taser again, getting him to back off while not telling him

Nurse: "Yeah, like I'm gonna tell you, Ass Clown!"

Blitz: "You know I kill people for a living, right, bitch?"

Nurse: "Oooh, I'm so fuckin scared!" 

If it wasn't obvious, that was sarcasm. Blitz then sighed in defeat before walking back to the window and started to climb out of it

Blitz: "Fine"

Nurse: "Blitz!"

Getting his attention, Blitz looked back at the nurse who started speaking again

Nurse: "She's got a job now. A life, don't fuck it up by finding her!" 

Blitz: "Oh, that's nice. Why don't you take that advice and shove it right between your pussy *loses his grip and falls from the building* Liiiips!"

The scene then changed back to IMP where we see Millie and Moxxie as they spoke with a new client who had a fish theme to their appearance before Blitz then slammed the door open, looking worse for wear after his fall from the rehab center 

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