Episode 5: The Harvest Moon Festival: Part 4

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The chapter begins with Y/n sitting by the wall of the seats that overlooked the Pain Games as he held a bag of ice against his forehead to soothe his throbbing headache from the punches he and Sallie had traded mere minutes before. He was knocked from his thoughts when a bottle of beer landed on his lap and he looked up to see Loona with one in her hand as she sat across from him 

Loona: "How's your head?" 

 Y/n: "Could be better, but it also could be worse, thanks" 

Loona: "Don't mention it...seriously, don't mention it, at all. Like, ever!" 

Y/n: "Got it, won't say a word. What about earlier, when you dragged me out of the ring, what was that about?" 

Loona seemed to contemplate something for a few minutes before she sighed and shook her head 

Loona: "I-It's nothing, don't worry about it" 

Y/n: "You sure? I'm more than fine to talk about i-" 

Loona: "I said it's nothing, so drop it"

Despite the harsh tone in her voice, her face refused to meet Y/n's eyes as she tried to hide a small blush on her face as Y/n sighed and nodded his head a small smile on his face 

Y/n: "Sure, I won't bring it up again if that's what you want?" 

Loona: "...Yeah" 

Y/n then grabbed the beer from his lap and raised it to one of his horns and used it to pop the cap off his drink while Loona simply used one of her canines to pry it off and spit the cap to the ground and the two raised their bottles in a toast 

Y/n: "These pain games weren't that exciting, here's hoping that changes today" 

Loona: "Here's hoping we'll leave this stupid place sooner rather than later" 

Y/n: "That works too" 

The two then clinked their bottles together before taking a drink, only for them to both spit it out in disgust as they gagged at the taste before coughing 

Y/n: "What the fuck type of beer is this?" 

Loona: "I don't fucking know, just got the first one I saw! I didn't bother paying attention to it" 

Y/n then turned the bottle to get a better look at the label and saw that it was labelled 'Pincer Fraud Strength' as Y/n chuckled

Loona: "What?" 

Y/n: "This thing's 88% alcohol, that's why it's so strong"  

Loona: "Really? Why are a bunch of farmers selling a Vodka? Isn't Moonshine more their thing?" 

Y/n: "That's what I thought too, ah well, might as well not let it go to waste" 

Y/n then started to take another drink from the bottle, this time not spitting it out before stopping to take a breath 

Y/n: "It's actually not that bad once you get past how strong it is" 

???: "Hey, I say Hey!"

Hearing the new voice, Loona and Y/n looked up to see that the person that spoke to them was Wally Wackford who had his signature grin as he looked to Y/n, said person of interest raising an eyebrow 

Y/n: "You right there Mr. Wackford? I'm a little busy at the moment" 

Wally: "Hello, I say, hello Mr. L/n, It's a pleasure to see you again. I won't take but a moment of your time, then you can go back to talking with your girlfriend here" 

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