Episode 1: Murder Family: Part 2

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We pick up an hour after the previous chapter and we get our sights on everyone outside of the office while two firefighters left the building after extinguishing the fire, Blitz was talking to Ms. Mayberry who was in a taxi while Loona was on her phone, Millie and Moxxie were both standing beside Blitz while Y/n sat on the ground drinking from a flask, his bandages wrapped back around his torso again

Blitz: "Bye! And don't worry, we'll get that skank in less than twenty-four hours or your first kill is free!" 

without any response from Ms. Mayberry, the taxi then sped off down the road while he waved goodbye, a strained smile on Blitz's face while Moxxie questioned the deal he just made 

Moxxie: "When did we start implementing that deal?" 

Blitz: "When you set fire to office in front of a Client, you fucking dick shit! Now someone please tell me that fancy book is still intact!"

Loona was still texting someone on her phone when she decided to answer him 

Loona: "You mean our only ticket to the other side? Yeah, we got it. Y/n and I were the last ones out for a reason"

Loona then presented the book with her free hand as she showed it to Blitz while putting her phone away and Blitz quickly made his way over to them 

Blitz: "And that's why you're my favorites you get a treat now" 

Blitz then pulled out a dog treat from his pocket and presented it to Loona who looked disgusted at it 

Loona: "Ew, stop" 

Hearing this, Blitz then tossed the treat into the air and his tongue shot from his mouth like a frog and grabbed the treat before pulling it into his mouth and started eating in front of her, much to her disgust 

Hearing this, Blitz then tossed the treat into the air and his tongue shot from his mouth like a frog and grabbed the treat before pulling it into his mouth and started eating in front of her, much to her disgust 

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Loona: "You're so gross!" 

Blitz: "Oh stop it, I get enough of that from my therapist" 

with the book open, Millie drew a pentagram on the side of the building in chalk and a portal opened up to the living world 

Blitz: "Now let's go lick some ass!" 

Millie: "The expression is Kick some ass, blitz" 

Millie finished her sentence with two finger guns pointed at Blitz before she entered the Portal while Blitz followed in second 

Blitz: "Mine's better" 

Once he entered the third person to enter was Moxxie who simply said exasperated 

Moxxie: "Oh fuck"

And with Moxxie through the portal, the last to go was Y/n who had tugged at his bandages to make sure they were secure before stepping through, the portal closing not long after and the four of them stood outside the home of their target, a large plot of land with a fairly big sized wooden cabin in the middle with a stone path that lead to a wooden pier  

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