Listening to a Mother's worries

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We get our sights on Y/n as he slowly woke up after passing out last chapter, only to find himself somewhere unknown and suspiciously cozy, looking around he realized he was in a room in Millie's home and found the reason as to why he was cozy, to his surprise, he was wrapped in a tight hug by a still sleeping Loona, she was hugging him close to her body and had her head buried in the crook of his neck

Seeing what situation he was in, Y/n had a look of surprise on his face and tried to move but found it difficult due to the fact that Loona had her arms and legs wrapped around him, giving him little-to-no room to struggle and caused Loona to stir in her sleep which made Y/n freeze as to not wake up the sleeping Hound 

But that was all for naught as the door to the room was kicked open with enough force to somehow make the blinds shoot up and flood the room with daylight and awake Loona with a Jolt and pull Y/n into a tighter embrace, forcing his head into her chest before he could even scream in surprise 

???: "Good morning you two! How did you-"

Looking to the source of the voice, we saw that it was Blitz standing in the room now while the one who had kicked it open was Millie, the two of them stood there frozen in place at the sight of a half-naked Loona holding Y/n tight against her body and looking at them 

Millie: "Oh...We'll just leave the two of you alone"

Loona then looked down and saw her state of dress and Y/n before a blush found itself a home on her face and she grabbed a pillow as she growled at them 

Loona: "Get the fuck out!" 

She then threw the pillow at Blitz as he ducked under it and ran out as Millie pulled the door shut, leaving Loona and Y/n on their own again as the former sighed in frustration before felling Y/n tap her back repeatedly to try and get her to let go and her eyes widened 

Loona: "Ah, Fuck!" 

Letting go of Y/n, he suddenly pulled himself from her embrace and took a gasp of fresh air before he calmed down and chuckled slightly 

Y/n: "That's one way to wake up, huh-" 

He was then cut off when he was pulled into another hug by Loona, this time his head wasn't buried in her bust, a smile on the Hellhound's face 

Loona: "You're alive!" 

If Y/n were to look behind Loona, he'd see that her tail was wagging from side to side so fast that it was a blur while he returned the hug, smiling to himself 

Y/n: "Sorry for scaring you all yesterday, wasn't my intentions" 

Loona: "I'm just glad you're alright, I really thought you died" 

Y/n: "I almost did, were it a stronger bullet I wouldn't be here right now" 

Loona: "Let's just be glad it wasn't then, right?" 

Y/n: "Yeah" 

Loona: "We should probably get dressed and head downstairs, we're heading back today after all" 

Y/n: "Really? Alright then"

The hug lasted for a few more moments before Loona (Reluctantly, mind you) Let go of him as he then got out of the bed, revealing he was only in a pair of boxers. He quickly spotted his pants on the floor and grabbed them as he put them on before turning to Loona and saw she already had her shorts on 

Loona: "I'll meet you downstairs" 

With a nod of his head, Y/n then opened the door and left the room, making sure to shut it afterwards and went downstairs to the living room, only to find it empty but that didn't last long as the front door opened and In walked Lin who looked upset as she let out a soft sigh 

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