Episode 6: Truth Seekers: Part 3

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(Everyone ready to meet some familiar faces? I hope so. and I hope I do it justice too!)


We pick up where we last left off, with Y/n inside a Tavern with multiple people who looked like him as an Australian version of himself greeted him 

 ???: "Well I'll be, take a seat and crack a tinny!" 

The Australian then grabbed a beer can and tossed it to our Y/n who caught it and on instinct, opened it as he moved to the table the Australian sat at, some of the others moving to make space for him. When Y/n sat down, he then noticed the Australian had stuck out his hand for a handshake, a green glowing mark on it that would lightly pulse with energy

 When Y/n sat down, he then noticed the Australian had stuck out his hand for a handshake, a green glowing mark on it that would lightly pulse with energy

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???: "G'day mate, the name's Y/n L/n, but The other Y/ns here call me "Hellsign" a pleasure to meet you" 

Not wanting to be rude, Y/n shook Hellsign's hand, surprised at the name as he introduced himself

Y/n: "H-Hey there, the name's Y/n L/n too, I guess" 

Hellsign: "So, where'd you come from?" 

 Y/n: "Hell" 

Hellsign: "Ah, so a Demon eh? You know I hunt your kind, eh?" 

Y/n was put on edge as he saw the grin on Hellsign's face before an arm wrapped around the Australian's shoulder as he was met with a ghostly figure of the same person, this one with gunshot wounds in their chest that glowed orange, they held a cigarette in their mouth as the ghost grabbed a match from his pocket and lit the cigarette as he took a drag from the cigarette and exhaled a small cloud of smoke into the air before speaking 

???: "Give the boy a break Hellsign" 

Hellsign sighed before nodding as he responded to the ghost 

Hellsign: "Fine Ghosty, I was just fuckin' around with him. I wasn't gonna do anything, Honest" 

Ghosty: "Right, whatever you say. You see any of Legion around? They ran off with my hat again" 

Hellsign: "Can't say I have mate, sorry, you try asking one of the Hyoudou's? Maybe they know" 

Ghosty just grumbled in annoyance as he wandered off, passing through other Y/n's that were walking around in search of these 'legion' and 'Hyoudou' people that were mentioned as Hellsign spoke to our Y/n again 

Hellsign: "So, what brings you to our humble little establishment?" 

Y/n: "Me, and my friends were captured by these Demon Hunters, pumped the room with this truth gas and next thing I know, I'm here" 

Hellsign: "Ah, so you're high as a fucking kite, Nice!" 

Hellsign then raised a hand for a high-five which Y/n cautiously returned 

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