Coming Clean: The Goetias

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We begin this chapter the next day as we see Y/n sleeping in his bed on his personal floor of the office building, his wings visible under the blankets as the daylight creeped into the room shone down on his face, stirring him from his slumber as he yawned before rolling onto his back and sitting up with a yawn and stretched his arms and wings before getting out of bed and getting dressed, his abdomen getting wrapped in bandages to act as a shirt since he could wear any thanks to his wings as the Halo he put back on his head yesterday floated up to his head and rested above it

Once he was dressed, he checked the time and saw that it was almost 11:00am and so he left the room and found Matilda who had just stepped off the elevator with a clipboard in one hand and a small stack of files in the other and hadn't seen Y/n yet 

Y/n: "Good morning Ms. Mayberry" 

Matilda: "Good morning sir, I have some paperwork regarding the businesses on floor 5 that need your-" 

She cut herself off however when she saw Y/n, her eyes widening and accidentally dropped the paperwork and clipboard upon seeing Y/n's wings which twitched every now and then and the singular halo floating above his head as she slowly pointed at them 

Matilda: "U-Uh, sir? You appear to have-"

Y/n: "Wings and a Halo? Yeah, I know, and trust me, It's a long story, I guess if you'd like, I could tell you about it later? I've got to go out right now so I can't stay long" 

Matilda: "I think I'd like that explanation"

Y/n: "Great, I'll see you later tonight then, I should be back in a couple of hours... If I don't get petrified that is"

Despite whispering the last part, Matilda heard it perfectly as she raised an eyebrow in confusion and slight worry 

Matilda: "What are you talking-" 

She was cut off by the sound of a beeping noise and Y/n pulled his phone out of his pocket and eyes slightly widened and he took off to the elevator 

Y/n: "Gotta run, but to answer your question, I've got to talk to the Goetia's, bye, have a good day. feel free to do whatever you want when you're done" 

With that, Y/n stepped on the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor and the doors shut, leaving Matilda by herself as she just shrugged her shoulders and went to her desk to do her work

Meanwhile, we see the Elevator come to a stop and open up as Y/n steps out into the main lobby and was greeted with the sight of Loona standing by the entrance, a bored look on her face before she lays eyes on Y/n and began to approach him, a playful smile on her face

Loona: "Well, look who's finally awake, sleep well~?"

Y/n: "It was fine, would've been better if you were there, though~" 

Once she was close enough, she pulled him into a small hug and kiss before letting go 

Loona: "You ready?" 

Y/n: "Ready as I'll ever be, I just hope everything goes well" 

Loona: "Don't worry, it'll all be fine, now come on, it'll only get worse the longer you wait"

Y/n: "You're right" 

With that, Y/n and Loona both left the building and got into Y/n's car as he started the drive to the Goetia family palace

Time skip 

After a two hour drive, they finally had arrived at their destination, stepping out of the car, the two approached the gate where Y/n then pressed a button on the intercom to ask for entry 

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