Season 2: Episode 6: Oops

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We begin this chapter a week after where we last left off. We find ourselves with Y/n back within the workshop of his floor. Gone were any and all remnants of trap making, having decided to move on from that. Now he had a skeletal robot hooked up to a machine that was currently programming it to do something

There was a knock at his door before it opened to reveal Ms. Mayberry standing there as she peeked her head into the room 

Matilda: "Mr. Y/n? A Ms. Asmodeus is on the line" 

Y/n: "Hm? Oh, thank you, dear. I'll talk to her right away" 

It was silent for a moment before Ms. Mayberry spoke again 

Matilda: "Are you alright, Y/n? You haven't left this room for the past week" 

Y/n: "Yes, I'm fine now, there's no need to worry anymore. I'm sorry that I concerned you all. I just had a bit of a panic attack but I thought of a way to put those worries to rest, come, look!" 

Entering the room, Ms. Mayberry approached Y/n who stood up and stepped away from the screen, showing it to be footage of an exorcist during the extermination as they slaughtered countless sinners as he then started walking towards a wall phone

Y/n: "This machine is currently programming the robot here to fight like an exorcist. If I'm going to fight, I need to know how they properly fight, all their tricks, their strengths and weaknesses. This is one of their best that I've seen"

Matilda: "It's both impressive and worrying. What if it loses control?"

Y/n: "That's what the explosive charge in the chasis is for"

Ms. Mayberry opened the panel on the chest to reveal not only were the robot's operating system was inside it, but so was an explosive

Y/n: "So, how goes the resumes? Find any that seem like they'd be a good fit?" 

Matilda: "Yes, one, a Ms. Baphomet. But that's not all, a package arrived for you this morning. It's sitting on my desk, I'll go get it for you" 

Y/n: "Thank you, what line is Asmodeus on?" 

Matilda: "Line one"

With that, Ms. Mayberry left the room while Y/n then grabbed the phone and answered the call 

Y/n: "Hello?"

Asmodeus: "Y/n! Oh, good to hear from you, it's been a while. How have you been?"

Y/n: "Could be better, could be worse, how about you, Ms. Asmodeus?"

Her usual, sultry giggle could be heard and Y/n could only imagine her waving a hand dismissively as she replied 

Asmodeus: "Oh I'm doing wonderful, and please, call me Az~!" 

Y/n: "Alright, Az. What can I help you with? I assume this isn't a social call after all" 

Asmodeus: "That would be correct. I just saw your latest video with Valentina and I must say, you did a wonderful job putting her in her place like that. You have a real knack for putting people in their place when necessary. I was calling to inquire if you'd be into doing some modelling?" 

Y/n: "Modelling?" 

Asmodeus: "Yes! You see, I'd hate to sound like that bastard Mammon, but you're a one in a million rarity, dear. That's why I'd like to ask if you'd like to be the model for some products, of course, you'd get a good share of the royalties from such products. I won't attempt to screw you like Mammon. At least, not in that way~" 

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