Episode 8: Queen Bee

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We begin this chapter not long after the show at AZZIE's. We now get our sights on Y/n as he was standing outside in the alleyway behind the establishment, waiting just like he was asked to do so after explaining everything to Verosika

Not too long after we see him, the back door opens as outstepped Verosika, dressed in her original outfit we saw her in before her performance inside. The moment she laid eyes on Y/n, she sauntered over to him, a devious little smirk on her face as she wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him close to her. Her other hand going towards the back of his head as she pulled him into a deep kiss before eventually parting for air 

Verosika: "It's nice to have a real, passionate kiss for once. Not just one filled with lustful desires... not that there wasn't any~" 

She giggled at the last part while Y/n simply chuckled as he shook his head 

Y/n: "I agree. So, what do we have planned for the night?"

Verosika: "Well, now that we've gotten business out of the way, I was thinking you and I go to a little party being held by Beelzebub down in the Gluttony Ring to get a little Beelze-Juice before we take this back to your place, what do you say~?" 

Y/n: "That sounds perfect~" 

Meanwhile, at the very same party, we get the sight of Luna who sat in the back of a taxi, looking nervous about exiting the vehicle before her phone started to buzz as she got a call from Blitz but didn't answer it as another voice spoke up, this one being that of the Driver's 

Driver: "Want me to drop you off here?" 

Luna: "Huh? Oh! Uh... yeah, this looks... right. I uh, haven't been here before" 

She then got out of the taxi and went to check her messages, the sound of incredibly loud party music in the background. On her phone, she had sent a message to Tex, the one who invited her to the party in the first place and realized she had misspelled the text, right now it said "Hey, I'm her" But she then quickly corrected the mistake by sending another one "Oh shit *here, sry :)" before putting her phone away 

Looking at the house the party was at, it was a large, bee themed house, fit with a large stinger like protrusion atop of the gold colored glass with hexagon shapes. The party was filled with primarily hell hounds, but there was still plenty of other of Hell's natural born races within too 

As Loona adjusted her hair, she was then met with Tex who came out the front door with a smile on his face 

Tex: "Loona! Hey girl, glad you could make it!" 

Loona: "Tex! Yeah, hey, thanks for inviting me!" 

Tex: "'Course, 'course!" 

Once inside the house, Tex then called out to the rest of the people that could hear him 

Tex: "Hey! Everyone! Meet the new face!" 

He then howled, prompting the others to howl in response before Tex then spoke to Loona again 

Tex: "You wanna drink or anything?" 

Loona: "Oh, uh, sure! Yeah, totally!" 

Tex: "Alright, be back in a moment, and you gotta tell me about how you're going with Y/n when I'm back, alright?" 

Loona; "Of course!" 

Tex then walked off with a smile, leaving Loona on her own as she looked around until she noticed a group of three specific Hellhounds, the first one that was talking to her two friends and was dressed in very chic clothing was, what the author had to guess based on the tail, a poodle hellhound

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