Episode 5: The Harvest Moon festival: Part 3

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It's the next day when we get our sights on Y/n as he sleeps on the floor in the living room of Millie's family home, the reason him being there to begin with because there wasn't enough space in the spare rooms for all of them to begin with. As he slept though, the sun crept in through the window and painted his face with light as he began to stir in his sleep before slowly opening his eyes 

Once he was awake, Y/n sat up as he stretched and yawned and looked around, not recognizing his surroundings at first until he remembered yesterday's events. Looking around, he spotted his shirt was hanging off the edge of the couch but as he grabbed it and went to put it on, a ghastly stench hit his nose and when he tried to find the source, he found it came from the shirt which stunk of dirt and blood despite being cleaned 

With a snap of his fingers, the shirt was then reduced to nothing in a burst of blue flame before extinguishing itself as Y/n reached for his suitcase, only to not find anything as he realized he never brought one in the first place

Y/n: "Right..." 

Grabbing his phone, he saw that it was only 6:00am and with a shrug, he got off his temporary bedding which consisted of just a sleeping bag, showing the only things he wore, were the bandages around his torso and his boxers. He then grabbed his hat and put it on his head, the same scarf he wore yesterday appearing out of nowhere  

With his hat on, Y/n then got his pants on before laying on the couch to relax until everyone else was awake, his hat tilted down to cover his face as he eventually started to drift off again 

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With his hat on, Y/n then got his pants on before laying on the couch to relax until everyone else was awake, his hat tilted down to cover his face as he eventually started to drift off again 

A couple of hours later, he was suddenly startled awake when he felt something hit his leg, upon adjusting his hat, he found out two things. 

One, he was no longer in the same position as he ended up falling asleep in as he realized his head was now resting on something soft and upon a quick investigation, he realized that his head was now resting on Loona's lap like a pillow while said Hellhound also was asleep. 

The second thing he discovered was that the source of the sudden impact he felt on his leg, he saw that it was Sallie who had just kicked his leg to wake him up 

Sallie: "Morning you two" 

Sallie's sudden greeting was enough to wake Loona who jolted awake and looked around for a moment before her eyes landed on Sallie, her tired expression turning to that of an annoyed glare

Loona: "The fuck's your problem?" 

Sallie only smiled smugly in return before answering 

Sallie: "I'm just waking the two of you up, The festival's starting soon and your boss asked me to wake the two of you up, that's all" 

Loona: "Right, whatever" 

Y/n then sat up as he stretched and yawned for the second time today before sitting on the couch normally with a yawn as his tail twitched slightly

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