~Leave her seeing stars~

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(This chapter won't be as long as others since it's just a lemon so it doesn't need to go as long as actual story chapters)


We start this smut off with Y/n and Octavia as they entered Y/n's bedroom, the two of them locked in a heated make out session until they reached his bed. From there, Octavia pushed him onto it before climb on top of him and resuming the kiss 

The two let out groans as they tangled their tongues together while fighting for dominance. Y/n would move one hand towards Octavia's ass and groped it, causing her to moan and let Y/n gain ground. But that didn't last long as Octavia would snake her hand down into his pants and grab a hold of his cock, making him groan and let her gain ground instead. 

This continued until Y/n finally relented first, letting Octavia take the win before they eventually had to pull away to breathe. While doing so, Octavia began to grind against Y/n's growing bulge and gave him a lustful grin

Octavia: "I think you deserve a reward for what you did earlier. And when I'm done, you're going to bend me over and fuck me on every piece of furniture in this room, understood~?"

Y/n could only nod before Octavia gave a short giggle and gentle pat on his cheek before she slid off of him and onto her knees. From there, she then looked to the bulge in his pants before unbuckling his pants and finally pulling his cock out

Octavia: "There it is, finally~!" 

With closed eyes, she leaned in and inhaled his scent, causing her to shudder and open her eyes once more and reveal hearts for pupils. She then wrapped one hand around it and began to stroke it while putting her attention on his balls. There, she dived in and started to kiss and lick them 

The sudden assault of pleasure against his shaft and balls took him by surprise and he started to moan softly while reaching a hand towards her and gently running it through her hair

Gentle sounds of affection came from Octavia when she felt his hand gently running through her hair while she practically worshiped his cock and balls. Once she finished with his balls, she then moved on to his shaft where she would pepper kisses along the underside of his shaft from base to tip

Each kiss and stroke would elicit more soft groans from Y/n as he felt her getting closer to the tip and upon reaching it, she then swirled her tongue around the tip and then took it into her mouth where she began sucking on it while both hands stroked his shaft 

Y/n: "Fuck, that feels good~" 

Y/n said softly as he looked down at her and saw the love and lust in her eyes. Hearing him say how good it felt so far only encouraged her to take more of it, slowly pushing her head down as she had to occasionally stop to get used to his size. She could feel how his cock was bulging her throat with each inch she took before she suddenly pulled out when it was half way down when she coughed and caught her breath again

Octavia: "Fucking hell, it's huge!" 

Y/n: "And you were doing so good, but we can move on if you-" 

Octavia: "Did I say we were finished?"

Once again, that look was back in her eyes as she started stroking it again 

Octavia: "We're not done until I say we're done, now take this cock and Fuck. My. Throa-" 

She was cut off when Y/n grabbed a fistful of her hair and then pushed his cock all the way into her throat, feeling as it bulged her throat while he then began to thrust in and out of her fast and hard. Her eyes rolled upwards while she felt his balls smack against her chin while he took control. 

One of her hands then slid down into her pants where she began to rub herself as the sounds of moans and sloppy throat fucking could be heard in the entire room. Eventually, she could feel as his cock was starting to throb inside her throat, meaning that he was getting close to blowing his first load of the night and she made no efforts of trying to get him to stop as he eventually let out another groan and unloaded rope after rope of cum down her throat while she did her best to swallow everything

Once he finished, he slowly pulled out and with a wet 'pop', she started to take in mouthfuls of air as she caught her breath and coughed

Octavia: "Fuck, my throat's going to be sore for a while, good job~" 

She then saw that his cock was still rock hard and now glistening. So with a grin, she gave it a gentle flick with her finger before she stood up and started pulling down her pants 

Octavia: "Now, onto the next part~" 

What followed next was a montage of the two as we start with Y/n as he pinned her to the wall of his room, one hand grabbing her ass and keeping her lifted while the other was planted against the spot on the wall next to her head

Octavia: "Go on, don't be gentle with me, fuck me like you mean it!" 

Y/n obliged her orders as he then lined up with her wet pussy and slammed it all the way in, causing the woman to arc her back and scream with pleasure as she orgasmed on the spot before Y/n started to pound her 

Octavia: "Fuuuu~uuuck yes! Don't stop! Harder~!" 

Octavia got what she wanted as he began to speed up with his thrusts, the marks on his body glowing as each slam into her caused the pictures on the walls to shake. Eventually, she could feel him throbbing again and before she could say anything, he buried his cock deep inside her before she felt him flooding her womb with his second load of cum while she screamed out and came at the same time

We then see multiple other scenes of the two as they carried on into the night, one was of Y/n as he held her in a Full Nelson Position, one of her bent over his workshop bench while he pounded her from behind, before finally ending off with them back on the bed with her riding him as we see the two of them reach climax for the final time of the night

Once they finished, Octavia collapsed into his arms as the two hugged each other close while they eventually succumbed to their tiredness and fell asleep in each others arms and muttering "I love you" to each other

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