Season 2 Episode 1: The Life of Y/n

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Edit: Changed the title to show this is the start of the second season

Before we start this, please forgive me for any inconsistencies with any already pre-established lore based on Y/n. I hadn't really thought much on his backstory before season 2, and so I'm doing my best to get it all thought out and correct as I write this. So please let me know if there's anything I got wrong. Not that I'm asking you to reread the story or anything, just only if there's anything major that I've said in the past that's different now and that you remember


We begin this story with Y/n as he was standing on his own and within a cemetery located in the pride ring. He stood before a large, and extravagant mausoleum, a red velvet rope acting as a barrier between him and the tomb. 

Above the doorway, carved into the stone above a broken skull, read the words: "The Hellsinger". In addition to this, was a bust of Y/n's mother, her face's lower half still covered with her bandanna. Seeing this, Y/n sighed a little as he ran a hand across the velvet rope 

Y/n: "Been a while, eh mom?" 

Of course, there was silence since he was talking to a grave. But still, he continued talking despite this

Y/n: "I'm sorry I haven't visited for a while, things have been a little...hectic in my life lately" 

A small chuckle came from him, only for it to transition into a pathetic sigh while he hopped the velvet rope and walked up to the door, only to then turn around and sit on the steps, his back pressing against the stone door 

Y/n: "Who am I kidding? When hasn't my life been hectic?"

Once again, there was silence, prompting Y/n to continue with his one sided conversation, a small smile on his face as he spoke 

Y/n: "I guess things are getting better, at least. I got a girlfriend, finally. Well, I guess the proper word is girlfriends, right?...I wish you could've met them, I'm sure you'd love them. One's in the music industry, actually. I'm sure that since you like music, the two of you might've got along well. Not to say that the others aren't as good or anything, they're all very wonderful people"

Once again, a sadder expression washed over his face as looked to the ground, his arms resting upon his knees 

Y/n: "I wish I could've met you properly... I barely have any memories of you from when you were around before that night all those years ago. Speaking of which, I guess I should let you know how life's been going for me since that night" 

As Y/n said this, he looked to the sky as the camera panned upwards and towards the pinkish sky before it transitioned to a darker, red sky, followed by the words 

24 years ago

We then see the camera then pan down to the rainy streets of Pride. A puddle could be seen before it was splashed by someone as they were running from something 

The camera then shifts to another view where we saw the person was nonother than Y/n's mother. In her arms was a wrapped up baby Y/n, calm as ever despite the running in the rainy streets and the panic in his mother's three eyes 

While she was running, we could see her body was covered in fresh injuries, her wings were both sliced in half and still dripping with blood, a gaping wound was present in her stomach, and one of her horns were shattered with blood running down the side of her head. But even through all of this, Y/n's mother was as silent as ever as she looked down at Y/n who was looking at her with a smile and reached out for his mother with a giggle

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