The truth of the half-breed

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(Keep in mind that when I explain Y/n's heritage, I know next to nothing about the bible and religions so I'm using a mixture of, a fanon supernatural {The show} wiki entry, the Lucifer {From the Netflix show} Wiki, and as much google searching as I could possibly do)


We pick up moments after Y/n showed his Halo to Millie and Moxxie who were still looking at the floating headpiece with awe and confusion before Millie spoke up 

Millie: "So Y/n, what do you mean when you said that you've had this since you were born?" 

Y/n: "Well to put it simply, I was born with it, thanks to my father that is" 

Moxxie: "Wouldn't that mean your father was an angel?" 

Y/n: "Yes, that's right" 

Moxxie: "And that means... you'd be a Nephilim?!" 

Y/n: "A Nephalem actually, there's a difference between the two terms" 

Millie: "And what's that?" 

Y/n: "Nephilim are people born with a Human and an Angel for Parents while Nephalem have a Demon and an Angel as parents and are far stronger, being able to reach Yahweh levels of power upon reaching adulthood and becoming an Arch-Nephalem" 

Millie: "That sounds so cool! So who was your father?" 

Y/n: "The name I knew him as was Remiel, also known as the archangel of hope, and he is credited with two tasks: he is responsible for divine visions, and he guides the souls of the faithful into Heaven. He is also called Jeremiel or Uriel in various translations of IV Esdras, He is said to have been the archangel responsible for the destruction of the armies of Sennacherib, as well as being the bearer of the instructions of the seven archangels. When he fell from heaven, he became one of the 20 leaders of the fallen watchers In the book of Enoch"

It was dead silent after Y/n explained to the two who his father was as he sat there and twiddled his thumbs for a moment 

Y/n: "Yeah...he was kind of a big deal up in that nightmare of a place" 

Millie: "I'll say! Do you have any cool powers from your old man?!" 

Y/n: "I guess so, I'm pretty sure I've got the basic powers of an angel such as; superhuman strength, reflexes, and speed. If I had my wings, I could use them as, weapons, flight and healing. From my father specifically, I've got his Hunting Intuition, meaning I can track demons, angels, and humans, and probability calculation which allows me to set off a chain of events which could bring out the results I desire with just a very slight modification that I carry out. basically it's the butterfly effect. And that's if I didn't have my Halo on" 

Millie: "And what if you did have this on?" 

At that question, Y/n sighed as he scratched the back of his head, clearly uncomfortable at answering this question before he begun to list off the effects the halo has on him

Y/n: "...Nigh-Omnipotence and all of it's subcategories, Invulnerability, Immortality, Super human intelligence, Resurrection, Shape shifting, twilight manipulation, and dimension travelling" 

Everything was silent between the three co-workers as Y/n tapped the briefcase that once housed the Halo while it began to float around the room 

Y/n: "Yeah...a little overpowered, huh?"

Moxxie: "A little?! You'd be unstoppable if you put that thing on!" 

Y/n: "Yeah, I guess I would" 

Millie: "So why don't you? Is it because of what your Pa did to you and your Ma?" 

Y/n: "No nothing like that, I would wear it regardless of what he did. It's just that If I did, I'd be shooting off just about every Dinner bell for the power hungry denizens of hell which would possibly bring the attention of Lucifer himself, seeing as Remiel was technically his younger brother and all"

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