A conversation between coworkers

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Forgot to address last time, but regarding the vote for Millie, a flashback chapter had won and so that's what will happen in this chapter, it won't be entirely a flashback though, it will switch between the present and the past as well as contain a lemon


We begin this chapter on a weekend as we spot Loona sitting by herself in a Cafe as she held her phone in one hand and a drink in the other and was waiting for someone who hadn't arrived yet

Loona: "Where the fuck is she? She said she'd be here ten minutes ago!" 

As she was looking at her phone, in case she received a text from anyone, the door to the cafe opened up to show Millie who had just walked into the building and scanned the room for a moment before quickly spotting Loona and made her way over to the hellhound, taking a seat across from her 

Loona: "There you are, what took you so long?" 

Millie: "Sorry, I got here as quick as I could. so, what did you want to talk to me about? It sounded urgent" 

Loona: "I just wanted to know more about what I might expect from Y/n, he's taking me out tonight and I was wondering if you could... tell me what it was like dating him? You two used to date before, and so I thought you might know him the best" 

Millie: "Is that so? Well then, you came to the right woman Loona, I can't wait to tell you everything! So, where do you want me to start?"

Loona: "How about when the two of you first met?" 

Millie: "Ooh, alright then!" 

Flashback: 6 years 
Narrator: Millie

The Flashback begins with the sight of a nightclub located somewhere in the Pride Ring, inside the bustling establishment, we could see it was full of various Sinners and natural Hell-born individuals. But the one we spotted first was a familiar red skinned female Imp in a black dress that left her back exposed, in front of her sat a martini glass that she traced the rim of the glass with her finger absentmindedly 

(This belongs to @Pandaleafs over on twitter, they've got a ton of amazing artwork and also is an actual Storyboarder/cleanup artist for Helluva Boss as well as a Clean up Artist for Far Fetched, so go check them out)

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(This belongs to @Pandaleafs over on twitter, they've got a ton of amazing artwork and also is an actual Storyboarder/cleanup artist for Helluva Boss as well as a Clean up Artist for Far Fetched, so go check them out)

"I was originally here with some friends, but they had to cancel at the last minute, and forgot to tell me until I was already here so I was planning to have a couple drinks before going home until I spotted him"

Millie's attention was soon drawn from her drink towards a stranger that had taken a seat at a nearby table, it appeared to be a younger Y/n without his wings, he wore a pair of jeans and a white button up shirt with it partially unbuttoned at the top and the sleeves rolled up halfway up his forearms, his hair was shoulder length but tied into a ponytail

"I hadn't seen an imp as tall as him before, and his grey skin with the small stripes made him stick out among everyone else in that place, plus he wasn't too bad on the eyes either~"

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