Stella, The Goetia family's Matriarch

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This chapter starts mere moments after the previous one, with Y/n walking down the hallway alongside Stella, the two of them walking in silence as Stella would occasionally look down at the half breed while he wasn't looking and look away moments after and Y/n would do the same before Stella couldn't handle the silence anymore and sighed with irritation 

Stella: "Are you always this quiet?" 

Y/n: "H-Huh? Oh! No, not really, I'm just a little...nervous, that's all" 

Stella: "And why's that?" 

Y/n: "I guess It's because I'm a little scared at what you're going to do to me, I mean, I'm just some half breed imp with little to no status that works for the same imp that slept with your husband, and you caught me leaving your daughter's room" 

There was a tense silence for a few moment before an amused chuckle could be heard coming from Stella who looked back to Y/n with an amused grin 

Stella: "Well you're just lucky you caught me in a good mood today Y/n, were I having a bad day, this encounter would've played out much differently. Although you call yourself a lowborn, I can sense something...unique about you" 

While they were walking, they soon found themselves in the palace's courtyard and Y/n saw a table with two tea cups sitting unattended and Stella placed a hand on his shoulder and guided him towards the table as she took a seat at the table and motioned towards the empty chair 

Stella: "Please, sit" 

Y/n then took the empty seat as with a snap of Stella's fingers, an Imp in a butler's outfit arrived with a teapot and poured them both a cup of tea, the Imp butler briefly looking surprised to see Y/n at the table instead of one of Stella's usual guests but he didn't stay long as he was shooed away by Stella, leaving the two of them alone again 

Stella: "So Y/n, tell me more about yourself, any family?" 

Y/n: "No, no family, they all died when I was a kid, my dad killed my mum and tried killing me but failed and he was killed during the radio demon's first appearance" 

Hearing this, Stella's eyes widen slightly in surprise at how casual he was talking about a lack of a family but soon snapped out of it and took a sip of her tea before continuing 

Stella: "I see, and why did he do that to you and your mother?" 

Y/n: "Well he was an overlord and-" 

Stella: "Your father was an overlord?!" 

Now Stella was paying full attention to him as she set the tea cup down and slightly leaned in closer and looked down at him to look him in the eyes as he nodded his head 

Y/n: "Yeah, as far as I know, he didn't want anyone to know that he had a child with an Imp and so he killed my mum and tossed me into a canal to drown and I didn't know how to fly yet either" 

Stella: "You couldn't fly? you have wings?" 

Y/n: "Had, I got rid of them a year or two ago" 

Stella: "Fascinating..." 

They sat there in silence for a few minutes drinking their tea before Y/n decided to speak up this time 

Y/n: "So, tell me about yourself, your highness" 

Hearing him call her that, Stella couldn't help but smile slightly as she finished her tea and began to speak about herself

Stella: "Well where should I start? I'm married to an embarrassment, we're constantly arguing, my daughter barely leaves her room and... I'm starting to believe she doesn't love me anymore" 

With a sad sigh, Stella then fiddled with her empty teacup and looked around at the beautiful garden that surrounded the two as clenched her empty hand into a trembling fist 

Stella: "My life and marriage have been falling apart at the seams for years" 

Stella then let go of the teacup and hid her face in her hand as she vented to Y/n but stopped when she felt a hand on hers and looked to see Y/n's hand resting on her clenched fist and his regular upbeat smile replaced with a more calming one as he responded 

Y/n: "Hey now, don't worry your highness, I mean, I can't say anything about your marriage, but I know Octavia doesn't hate you, If she did then she wouldn't've agreed to spend time with you tonight like you wanted to" 

 Stella: "She agreed?" 

Y/n: "Yeah, not too long after you left, she asked me whether she should or not and so I suggested she should and with a little more persuasion, she agreed to give it a shot" 

Hearing that Octavia agreed to spend some time with her, Stella couldn't help but give a genuine smile as she took Y/n's hand in her own, a couple tears of joy falling from her eyes before she wiped them away 

Stella: "Thank you Y/n, this means so much to me" 

Y/n: "It's no problem your highness, I'm happy I was able to help" 

Before anything else could be said, Y/n's phone vibrated and Y/n pulled it out to see that it was a text from Blitz saying he was needed at the office and so Y/n sighed and put it away 

Y/n: "I'm sorry to cut this short but I need to get going, I'm needed at work" 

Hearing this, Stella's smile faltered as she responded to him

Stella: "oh, really? we were having such a nice chat. it'd be a shame to end now" 

Y/n: "I'm afraid so your highness, but if you ever want to talk or need to vent any issues, I'm always free. Thank you for the tea, it was delicious, have a good day" 

Y/n then stood up and was about to leave but before he could move a single step, he was suddenly whisked off his feet and brought into a tight embrace from Stella, him dangling off the ground due to Stella measuring at around 11-12 feet tall compared to Y/n's height of 6'2" while one arm was wrapped around his torso and the other resting just below his backside while his head was resting above her chest and she looked right into his eyes with the same smile as before 

Stella: "Thank you Y/n, I'll be sure to do so" 

Y/n: "Y-You're welcome, any time" 

Stella then let Y/n go as he dropped to the ground and landed on his feet before grabbing the case that housed his new mask and he started making his way through the palace and right as he was about to open the front door, he heard a voice speak from behind him 

???: "I haven't seen her smile like that in a long while"

Stopping at the sound of that voice, he turned to see Stolas standing by a doorway that lead to an unknown room, dressed in his usual royal attire and a soft smile on his face as he approached Y/n 

Stolas: "I think the last time I saw her smile like that was around Via's 12th birthday" 

Y/n: "Really? that long?" 

Stolas: "Yes, surprising, I know. But it's a welcome sight to see her happy again, I also couldn't help but overhear you said that you convinced Octavia to spend tonight with her mother, thank you for that" 

Y/n: "You're welcome your majesty" 

Stolas simply chuckled and shook his head as he knelt down to get closer to Y/n's height, although he still towered over him 

Stolas: "Please, just call me Stolas, Y/n. Now, I won't keep you any longer, tell Blitzy I said hi, alright?" 

Y/n: "Will do Stolas, have a good day" 

Stolas: "You too Y/n" 

And with that, Y/n left the Goetia family Palace and got in his car and drove off in the direction of his work as the screen faded to black 

And that's this chapter done, I hope everyone liked it and how I've tried to add more character to Stella in this story as there isn't too much known about her, tell me what your thoughts on the chapter were and if there was any mistakes that need to be fixed and I'll see you all next time when we finally start episode 4: C.H.E.R.U.B! Ciao!

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