Episode 5: The Harvest Moon Festival: Part 1

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Two weeks have passed since our last chapter and we get our sights on the Goetia Family home as the sun was rising before the scene changes to the inside with Blitz lighting a cigarette in Stolas' bed while Stolas himself was heard sighing in contentment before Blitz rested against the headboard of the bed with his hands behind his back 

Stolas: "I'm sorry for having to move our little rendezvous early. I have an engagement on the full moon tomorrow" 

The scene then zooms out enough to show Stolas wearing a ball-gag and his hands tied to the headboard, giving us a glimpse at what they were just doing moments before 

Blitz: "When this happens, It's not really something I fuss about-" 

Blitz then reached up and used the cigarette to burn away at Stolas' bindings, freeing him in the process before he continued to speak while Stolas took a drag of the cigarette that Blitz just had 

Blitz: "-But do you really need the book for this farm bullshit? I have like fifteen new clients waiting for heads to roll!" 

Stolas: "As shocking as it may seem Blitzy, my Grimoire is actually incredibly important and it isn't supposed to be lent out to itty bitty imps like yourself" 

In the process of telling him this, Stolas then extinguished the cigarette on one of Blitz' horns before he pulled at his cheek like a child who was misbehaving or a doting grandmother before Blitz pushed his hand away with a groan of disgust 

Stolas: "The Harvest Moon is a very special occasion! It's been my annual duty to showcase it in the ring of Wrath. It's celebrated by a very charming little festival with the locals" 

Blitz then gagged as he opened his mouth and rolled out his tongue to reveal a feather stuck there before he took it out and tossed it to the side before responding to the prince of astrology 

Blitz: "Wrath huh? Some of my employees are from there. I've never really been there, I hear it's full of inbred chuckle-fucks" 

Stolas: "Oh! Why don't you all join me at the festival? I can guarantee you all...special access~"

To accentuate the last part he said, Stolas then disappeared under the covers of the blanket and reappeared by Blitz' crotch as he giggled and looked right at it with a smile on his face while Blitz crossed his arms and looked away 

To accentuate the last part he said, Stolas then disappeared under the covers of the blanket and reappeared by Blitz' crotch as he giggled and looked right at it with a smile on his face while Blitz crossed his arms and looked away 

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Blitz: "Look, I told you, we're not bodyguards, ok? That was a one time thing we did badly" 

In response to this, Stolas then sat up with the blanket still covering him like a hood as he playfully tilts his head to his left as he explains what he means 

In response to this, Stolas then sat up with the blanket still covering him like a hood as he playfully tilts his head to his left as he explains what he means 

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