Make your presence known

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We begin this chapter not even a few hours after where we last left off, with Y/n leaving his office, a calm look on his face that barely hid the brewing storm within

Ms. Mayberry looked as if she was going to say something when she saw him leave his office, but seeing his appearance and expression was enough to sway her mind and convince her not to say anything

Y/n: "Go home, Ms. Mayberry, it's time you clock off, have a good night"

Matilda: "Y-Yes, sir" 

Was all that she said before she then made her way to the elevator and took it down. Meanwhile, the others emerged from Y/n's office not too long after he left. They followed him into the stairwell and started to ascend them with him 

Angel Dust: "H-Hang on a second, boss. What are you planning on doing, exactly?" 

Y/n: "I'm going to meet with Ms. Vox, and Ms. Velvette and ask them kindly for either of their assistance in spreading my message in hopes my father hears it so that he knows I'm still alive and that he knows I'm looking for payback" 

They eventually made their way to the roof of the building as the wind slightly picked up 

Angel Dust: "Why are we up here?" 

Y/n: "Taking a vehicle or walking will take too long and as of right now, I don't have the patience to do those things. So we'll fly" 

Angel Dust: "We?!" 

Y/n then held out his hand towards Angel Dust who looked surprised and concerned until she saw the smile on his face 

Y/n: "I promise, no harm will come to you for this. I know that the Vee's aren't the kindest of overlords in regards to their subordinates. But with me in charge of Valentina's soul when she signed the contract, that means I am her superior and you are just following my instructions" 

Angel Dust looked surprised at this before she slowly gulped and took Y/n's hand, taking a chance to trust him. Y/n then turned towards Charlie and gave her a smile before walking towards her and pulling her into a hug

Y/n: "Thank you for telling me this, Charlie. I owe you" 

Charlie was left stunned but hugged him back briefly before he pulled away and walked towards Angel Dust, picking her up and into a bridal carry while his wings then stretched to their full wingspan before he then took off, a crater being left behind that almost covered the entire roof and creating a powerful burst of wind

With Y/n and Angel Dust, they were both high in the air as the latter clung to the former and screamed for dear afterlife. Once she realized that she wasn't going to fall, she took the chance to look around and saw the wonderful sights of the ring below her

 Once she realized that she wasn't going to fall, she took the chance to look around and saw the wonderful sights of the ring below her

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Y/n: "It's a lovely sight, isn't it?" 

Angel Dust: "U-Uh, yeah.. it is..." 

Y/n: "As much as I'd like to stay and admire the sights, we must be going. Hold on tight" 

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