We should just...

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Wayne's POV:

I pulled her into a hug while stroking her hair. She started sobbing.

"I'm sorry."

"We should just lay off each other for a while."

I let go and looked down at her.


"We should just... I dont want people thinking that I slept my way into Young Money."


"Maybe we should see other people. You know and then hook up later?"

I looked at her in disbelief but I understand where shes coming from. I smiled weakly and left her in the living room.

------------- 3 MONTHS LATER --------

Wayne's POV:

"Im coming!" I yelled. I walked over to her and pecked her cheek. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Where are we going?"

"Its a surprise."

She giggled and just walked out. I sighed looking at my phone. My wallpaper was Nicki and I. Things haven't been the same ever since the Dhea thing. I sighed heavily again and got up. I'm taking Christina out to dinner for our two month anniversary.

Nickis POV:

I sat down next to Meek. He insisted on taking me out to dinner tonight. I like Meek but not like I love Wayne. We see each other every now and then. And I cant stop thinking about him. I look up as Meek is greeting none other than...

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