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Wayne's POV:

"Yes?" I asked as she came down the stairs. "Sherika aint pack my makeup." She said pouting. I laughed "Coz you were using it last night when I was waiting on you. Remember? And you look amazing." I could see her blushing. She turned away and went back upstairs. I set the table and she came back  downstairs with her phone and I pulled out her chair. She sat and thanked me. "You're such a gentleman." She laughed. I looked at her. "I'm a thug." I laughed back. "Tupac is a thug." She shot back. "You're sweet and caring. Youre a... a man." I looked at her before nodding. After we finished I cleaned our plates. I walked over to where she was sitting on the couch. "Ready?" I asked. She nodded and we left. The drive was silent. "So did you enjoy Rihannas?" She nodded. "And you?" I nodded too. "Can I ask you a question" she asked. I agreed. "Are Drake and Rihanna dating?" I shrugged. Why did she want to know? "Ion know. Why?" I asked. "I just wanted to know." "Are you interested in Drake?" I asked. She shook her head. "He may be attractive but he is a player. Trust me, I will never go for Drake." She said. A sigh of relief took over my body. "Do you have anybody in mind?" I asked. She shook her head and repeated my question. I shook my head too. "Really?" She asked as one of her eyebrows popped up. "Coz you and Christina are very close" "Milian? Never. I have someone else in mind." She pushed my shoulder playfully. "So you lied about the someone.?"  I laughed. I was not planning on telling her yet. Would she even believe me? "No. Because the person I want, doesn't really want me too."

Nickis POV:

I think I played it off well enough. "Who is it?" I asked through clenched teeth.  He 'zipped' his lip and threw away the key. I laughed my anger off. I finally got home. Maybe this will be a busy free day. My phone just vibrated. Guess not. It was Rihanna.
Rih: Hey girl :) . You busy tomorrow?
Me: Um. I think we're shooting tomorrow. Why?
Rih: Bummer :( wanted to go for lunch.
Me:  Im sorry. We can go another day right?
Rih: Saturday?
Me: if nothing pops up.
Rih: Cool. So what are you and Wayne doing?
Me: I haven't seen Wayne since this morning.
Rih: Yall are up early.
Me: Lol no. He dropped me off.
Rih: Oh. Are yall dating?
Me: No! Oh God no. We're just friends.
Rih: Oh. Do you like him?
Me: Sorta. I dont know. It doesn't matter.  He probably doesn't give AF bout me.
Rih: Not by the way you two were holding hands and stealing looks at each other all night. Look I gtg. Talk later.

Was I falling for this man? I haven't even known him that long.

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now