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Nickis POV:

I showered again and picked out a new outfit. Not that I didn't like what Wayne gave me. I washed the clothes and folded them before Sherika came home. And when she did...

Sherika: Girl. I know you did not sleep over on the first date.

Nicki: It wasnt a date and I slept in the guest room.

Sherika: Why couldn't he take you home?

Nicki: It was a party. He was drunk, and my ride. Plus I couldn't ask anyone else cos he's the only one I know. So chill.

Sherika: The man rich AF. Im sure he has a driver.

Nicki: Go away. I need to get ready!

Sherika: Where you off to?

Nicki: The studio.

Sherika: You look tired. You want a ride?

Nicki: Nah. Im cool. Wayne coming.

Sherika: Ooh. He's Wayne now?

I ignored her and continued applying my make up. She came back a couple minutes later. She told me Wayne was outside. I checked the time. I was late. I grabbed my brush, shoes, phone and his clothes and rushed to the car. He opened the door for me. He looked at me. "You know I can wait right?" I nodded before putting my shoe on. "Yeah I know. Now lets go." He chuckled and shook his head putting his seat belt on. We drove off as I started doing my hair.

Wayne's POV:

"So... how was the party? " she looked at me with curiosity before answering. "It was great actually. Why?" I kept my eyes on the road and nodded. "Coz I was basically the only one talking to you. Besides Drake." She laughed. "Um... I met a few other people too actually. Besides Drake, I met Baby, Tyga and Shannel." I was deep in thought. "When did you meet them?" She paused. "You were seeing people out." I thought about Birdman. "How were they? Like first impression?" She tied her hair. "Um... Shannel and I hit it off actually. We started texting last night. Birdman was nice and I think Tyga was cool." I nodded as we pulled into the driveway. I was surprised to see two familiar cars...

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now