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Waynes POV:

I looked over at Nicki for about the fifth time. She looks so cute asleep. I smiled knowing she's mine. Knowing that she feels the same way about me. Just as I reached for my phone,  her eyes fluttered open. "Morning Sleeping Beauty." I said sarcastically. She playfully glared at me and I shot my hands up in defense. " sorry. How long was I out?" She asked while sitting up. "About an hour or so. Hey, how come you're so tired? Didn't ya sleep last night?" I asked while getting up. "I did. But I waited up for you most of the night. But I guess I got tired." She yawned. I smirked. "Oooh, Nicki was waiting. Just for me!" She waved me off and I grabbed her and pulled her into a bear hug. She was screaming waving her arms and legs. I let go laughing. "Shut up." She shot at me. I laughed again while going to the kitchen. I came back and saw Nicki standing on the balcony. "Hey. Whatcha thinking about?" I asked while wrapping my arms around her. "Nothing. Its just beautiful out here." She replied. She sighed and I rested my head on her shoulder. "You're really tiny. You know that?" I asked. She turned around and hit me on my chest. I held my hand over my chest. "That hurt." I said. She giggled. "I love your laugh." I said while tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She blushed real hard. I laughed again. She shoved me aside and walked back into the house. She walked to my room and unplugged her phone from the charger. "Wayne!" She called out. "Uh huh." I answered while watching the game. It was almost over. "Sherika is staying at Rihs tonight." She said coming into the living room. "They've been spending alot of time together." She continued. I nodded. "Yeah. They're trying to give us space." She cocked an eyebrow while placing her hand on her hip. "They think we should go out. You know... like we are behind their backs anyway." She sat down next to me. "Oh." She replied smiling. "So if she's sleeping over... we can do some crazy shit." I said. "What kind of crazy shit?" She asked. "Well." I started. "We could go and have a picnic outside. You did say its beautiful." I reminded her. She thought for a moment before giving in. I smiled and went to the kitchen getting out some food and drinks. I found her sitting outside in one of the lawnchairs under the umbrella busy on her phone. "Uh uh." I said setting the food down. I grabbed her phone and put it in my pocket. "No phone for you Missy." I said. "Fine!" She spat back. This afternoon is going really great. I learned so much about her in such a short space of time. When we were clearing up, something started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled out Nickis phone and saw someone calling. Safaree. I handed her the phone and went back upstairs to my room. I lied down and I was just laying there. Staring at the ceiling. Thinking about her. She walked in the room and removed her shoes. She got under the covers with me and lied her head down on my chest. "Safaree is the guy that was outside my house that night." She said. I looked down on her. "He was my ex-boyfriend. He treated me like shit. He used to beat me." I tightened my arms around her as she let a few tears slide down her cheeks. I kissed her forehead. "Wayne?" I looked back down at her. "Yeah?" I replied. "Please dont hurt me." She said. This broke my heart. I pulled her up and wiped the tears off her face before pulling her into a passionate kiss. She nodded and hugged me. I hugged her back just as fiercely. I then lied down again and started playing with a strand of her hair. She soon fell asleep. I got up to answer the door and put some pillows down under her. I swung the door open which revealed Birdman and Drake. "Hey youngie." Birdman exclaimed. "Aren't you gonna let us in?" Drake asked. "This Isnt a good time-" Birdman cut me off. "It'll only take a second." He said. I moved to the side and allowed them in. "So?" I asked. "Damn Wayne. Why you rushing to get us out? You got a hoe in here?" Drake asked loudly. "No." I replied calmly. "Just having a long day. I wanna go back to bed." I replied. "Now what is it?" I said through gritted teeth. "Well, Kanye finished his verse. So we're all set to go." Birdman said rubbing his hands together. "And you couldn't have called me because?" I shot back at him. "Well we was In the neighborhood." Drake said. "Okay. So if yall dont mind?" I asked. They got up and dapped me up as the walked through the door. I sighed and made my way back to the bedroom

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now