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Nickis POV:

"What question?" I asked. He made a face before replying. "When we were at Rihs?" "Oh." I realized. "Yeah." I replied. I thought for a minute... "Well?" Wayne asked. "Why not?" I replied. "Anytime,  any place. I'm game." I smiled. "How about we ditch this food and go now? " I thought for a moment. "Sherika is asleep and..." he continued. I nodded and he took my food and grabbed my hand. We both looked at each other and smiled. I love this feeling. I followed him out to his red car and got in. We didn't speak along the way. It felt awkward like I needed to say something. Everytime I thought of something I wanted to say I thought it was too stupid. So I left the talking part. We arrived at a dark place. Wayne opened the door and took my hand once again. The darkness become lighter. I took in the scenery. It was a beach. "Wayne. This is beautiful. How did you think of this?" I asked. I was smiling so hard I thought my cheeks would hurt. "Well, I didn't exactly think this through. I didn't know where else to go." He said while scratching the back of his head. "Well its amazing anyway." I said. "Forreal?" He asked. I nodded. "Well then..." he said taking my hand. "Lets take a walk." He led me on to the sand. After a while I had to take my shoes off and walk with it in my free hand. "Here. Lemme take that for ya." He said. I refused at first but he was set on carrying my shoes. I gave it to him and we walked further. I looked at him and giggled a bit. "Whats funny?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nothing." I replied. He stopped walking and looked at me. "I'm deadass serious. Whats so funny" he asked looking confused. " its just I dont get why youre here with me. There are thousands of people out there who you could be with. More talented. More beautiful. But why me?" I asked. He looked at me for a second before we continued walking. "Because there is nobody in this world that is more talented and more beautiful than you. To be honest Im not here for your talent or looks. I'm here for you. The real you. Not Nicki Minaj. Onika Maraj." I smiled as we walked on to the pier. We walked in silence. I let go of his hand when we got to the end of the pier. I grabbed the concrete with both hands and looked over at the sea. I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I closed my eyes relaxing in his touch. "Its beautiful." I said with my eyes still closed. "You're beautiful." He replied. I smiled. This man is going to be the death of me. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his around my waist. I studied his eyes searching for emotion. I smiled, satisfied. I leaned in and we shared a passionate kiss. I smiled as we headed to the car. "Wayne. What does this mean?" I asked. He looked at me for a moment before he answered. "We're a thing. I guess." I laughed. "I know that silly." I said playfully pushing his shoulder. "I mean do we tell anyone..."

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now