I think I have

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Me: Cool. So you've met Wayne?

Sherika: Yeah. He's pretty cool.

And they're really getting along.

Me: Yeah. They're getting along really well.

Sherika: Yeah. Really well. Wayne wishes they could get along better though.

Me: What do you mean?

Sherika: Well dont tell anyone. But Wayne seems to like her. Alot.

Me: How do you know?

Sherika: The nigga told me.

Me: He told you? Fuck. So we should help them.

Sherika: Nika doesn't even like him.

Me: Are you kidding me? She's fucking infatuated.

Sherika: Oh My God really?

Me: Yeah. We need to get ahold of Wayne though.

Sherika was about to say something but Nicki Interrupted us. "Dinner is ready." She said with a smile. Sherika nudged me and we sat at the table. I wont lie Nicki makes a mean pasta. I thanked her and she sat back with us in the living room. Nicki was telling us something while Sherika handed me her phone. I nodded and added my number to her contact list while listening to whatever Nicki was saying. Nicki was rambling on about something when I got a text.
Rika: So can we meet up tomorrow  ?
Me: Sure... text me the details lmao .

I looked up at Sherika and she nodded. Nicki was quiet now. She was busy with her phone. I said my goodbyes and left.

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now