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Nickis POV:

I woke up, brushed my teeth and showered. I dressed lightly. I went down to the kitchen and got a bowl of cereal. I walked over to the living room and sat down just as my phone beeped. I sighed and went back upstairs to get it. I fell back on the couch and crossed my legs before putting a pillow on it. I put the bowl on the pillow and almost spit out half a mouth of cereal when I saw the text.
Weezy F Baby: Hi beautiful. Sorry to disturb your sleep. Rihanna just texted me asking if you wanna come over to her house. Shes having a get together with Drake and a few other people. You game? I wont go if you wont.

He called me beautiful. I was going crazy til I realized I have to text him back.
Me: Yeah sure. I'll go. Anything specific I should bring? What time should I be there? And the address?
Weezy F Baby: Um dont stress it. Be ready at nine. Im coming to get you.
Me: Wayne you cant drive me around EVERYWHERE.
Weezy F Baby: C'mon Nic. Please.
Me: Okay fine:|

With that I put down my phone and told Sherika where I was going. She gave me an entire speech before she went to work.

Wayne's POV:

I just pulled up at her house. A girl answered the door. She was pretty. Her eyes widened as she realized who I was. "Um is Nic here." I laughed. "Yeah. Should I..." I cut her off. "Ima wait in the living room if its ok witchu?" She nodded as I laughed and went in. I made myself comfortable.

Wayne: Are you and her related?

Sherika: Nope. Just besties.

Wayne: Ooh.

Sherika: Yeah. Can I ask you something?

Wayne: Sure.

Sherika: What are your intentions with my friend?

Wayne: I'm sorry.

Sherika: I see how you look at her before dropping her off. I can tell you feel something.

Wayne: Well. I dont know. Honestly. I like her but she wont go for...

I was cut off by the most beautiful human being I have ever laid eyes on. "Sherika do you think..." her eyes fell on me before she could finish. "Wayne! Im sorry..." "Its okay Nic. Im early." I replied. Sherika raised her eyebrow and I looked at her. She cleared her throat and cocked her head towards Nickis side. Oh. "Oh. And you look amazing Nic." She blushed and I looked back at Sherika who nodded at me. I winked. "Uhh Wayne. I'm just going to..." "Its cool Nic. Take ya time." She nodded and exited leaving Sherika and I alone again.

Wayne: Thanks.

Sherika: No problem. So around what time will yall be back?

Wayne: Late. I dont know.

Sherika: I didn't tell Nicki Im also going out tonight. We only have one key. Shes leaving before me and Im not coming home tonight.

Wayne: You want her to sleep over at mines?

Sherika: if its not a problem. Heres a bag. I packed it while she was doing her makeup.

Wayne: Thanks. I'll put it in the trunk.

Sherika: Thanks Wayne. Take care of her.

Wayne: Okay.

As I closed the trunk,  I saw Nicki. I said my goodbyes to Sherika and we were off.

Nickis POV:

Him and Sherika were speaking secretly. Maybe he likes her. Maybe my chances with him dont even exist. Maybe he doesn't feel the same way. This is so fucking frustrating. I looked over at him focused on the road. I stopped staring because be probably felt like I was burning holes in his face. We pulled up at a huge, white house with about five different cars. He opened up for me and grabbed my hand. There it is again

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