Text Me The Details

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Nickis POV:

After Rihanna left, I got in my pyjamas and pulled the covers over my body. I was planning on a lazy day tomorrow since I have been working all week. I woke up to the fresh smell of coffee and remembered that Sherika isnt going to work today. I sighed and checked my phone . 12:08 damn that was some good sleep! I brushed my teeth and headed downstairs seeing Sherika eating some cereal while watching E! . I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down next to her. "So you slept a lil late today?" She said. I smiled and nodded. "I have been working all week. I need a break. Today is my no work day. I'm just gonna laze around." She studied me before answering. "Well then now isnt a good time to tell you." She paused. "Tell me what?" I asked following her into the kitchen. "Rihanna invited us over for lunch this afternoon." "Well. Place, Time?" I asked. She closed the fridge. "Oh. She will text me the details." I cocked up an eyebrow. "Yall are texting now?" I asked. She nodded and left without saying another word. I went to my room and showered.

Sherikas POV:

While Nic was in the shower, I called Rihanna.

Rihanna: Did ya tell her?

Sherika: Yeah. She immediately wanted to know the venue and time.

Rihanna: Well what did ya say?

Sherika: You would text me the details?

Rihanna: Good girl. Now write this down.

I obeyed and said bye as soon as Nic appeared back downstairs.

"Who was that?" She asked. "Rihanna." I replied with a shrug. Her face was filled with confusion as soon as she followed me to the couch. "And?" She asked. "The venue and time is on the page over on the table. Start getting ready,  Wayne will be here in an hour." She smiled a while before raising an eyebrow. "Wayne is coming too?" She asked. I nodded. "And Drake,  Chris, Tyga and Trey" her smile disappeared and she nodded. She ran to her bedroom and started getting an outfit ready. I got up and did the same. After an hour or so we heard a honk. I peeped through the window that revealed a black range rover. I hurried Nicki up and ran into the car which already had a happy Rihanna and Wayne in it. I smiled and greeted them before getting comfortable next to Rihanna. Nicki came rushing out seconds later and locked the door. She tried to open the backdoor but got stopped by Rihanna who insisted that she sits in the front passenger seat. She obeyed.

Nickis POV:

As soon as I got in I got hit by the smell of Wayne's cologne. "Hey Nic." He said. I smiled and greeted him. I turned around. "Why on earth are four people sitting in a range rover when you have a garage full of cars?" I asked turning to Rihanna. "Its like a taxi ya know? A clown car even." She laughed. "How is it a clown car?" I asked. "Carpooling is the correct word." Sherika said. "I dont even know why we're carpooling." Wayne jumped in. I laughed and we were still on our way to this venue. As we were driving I kept staring at Wayne. Not to make him uncomfortable but because there's something about him. He's like art . Sometimes he'd catch me looking and smile. We stopped at a familiar place. Rihannas house. I laughed and we entered. We made ourselves at home waiting for the others. "You look beautiful today Nic." I blushed. "Thank you." I replied. "So how was your off day?" He asked. "Not very off." I replied pointing at Rihanna who was laughing. "I'm sorry. But rest well tonight for work tomorrow" he said taking off his cap. I furrowed my brow. "Work. On a Sunday?" I asked. He shook his head. "Just kidding. But Monday, your ass is mine." He started laughing and so did I. We got interrupted by Rihanna. "Drake and Chris can't make it." She said with a pouty face. I shrugged. It was cool by me. Wayne was about to say something but he got interrupted by his phone. "Tyga be flying over to the Hamptons right now." He said. I sighed another guy gone. "Will anyone make it?" I asked. Rihanna shrugged. "Trey is shooting." I sighed. What were us four going to do? "We can always stay in and order a pizza?" She asked. We nodded. I was relieved. I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere anyway. Just then Sherika and Rihanna got up. "Where yall going?" I asked. "To get pizza." They replied. I was about to get up but then Rihanna shot me a look and mouthed stay. While cocking her head at Wayne.I nodded. This could be it. I watched a blue car drive off and turned to Wayne who was already looking at me

Wayne's POV:

Thoughts were taking over my head. Should I tell her? I looked deep in her eyes and spat it out. "Nicki. When I first layed eyes on you, I was taken aback by your beauty. Ever since we first touched... I felt this kind of connection. This feeling that won't go away. I cant stop thinking about you. Day and night. Constantly. When I dont see you. I feel like something is missing."

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now