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Nickis POV:

I paced back and forth waiting for someone to answer. And someone did. Gina the maid

"Hey Gina . Wayne home?"

"Sorry. He just left. Should I give him a message? Tell him you stopped by?"

"Nah. Thanks Gee. See ya."

She waved me off. I got into the car feeling stupid. He's probably with Christina. I sighed and started driving. I didn't know where I was going, but I just left.

I ended up at the beach Wayne took me to for the first time. I sat down on a bench, taking in the scenery and trying to forget the memories.

"You cold or nah?"

I turned to see Wayne next to me.

"Not really. What are you doing here?"

"I never stopped coming here since that night."


"Nicki I've never gotten over you, and to be honest, I dont think I will."

Yeah so I'm not thee promoting type but I've got this new story (Yes, its Dwicki/Waynika/Waynicka) its called 'Secrets.' Its insanely short with only five chapters but it is completed. :) Please check it out.

-Nakeetah ♡

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now