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Nicki's POV - continued:

I cant believe what just happened. "Yes." I said hastily. I mean this is my chance to make it big in the industry. I've been so nervous that I haven't even noticed him. He had beautiful chocolate skin with tattoos all over and black dreads draped over his shoulders. I was so busy eyeing him, that I didn't even notice him watching me. I looked up and we made instant eye contact. His eyes are so beautiful yet mysterious.

Wayne's POV:

Her eyes are amazing. I cut the eye contact when I held out my hand. She shook it and I felt something stronger than electricity flow through it. I didn't quite know what to do next so I gestured for her to come with me. I took her all around the building showing her around. The tour came to an end when we stopped at my office and I then handed her tue contract. We said our goodbyes and she left. When she got in that car, I felt some sort of emptiness.

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