Have I fallen already?

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Nickis POV:

I sighed in defeat and walked back over to Rihanna who had a smile plastered on her face. "And?" She asked. I shook my head and she hugged me. I think I like Rihanna. I went and shot my part after which Rihanna gave me a thumbs up. I smiled at her. I waited for Wayne for at least an hour and a half. I just went home. I got home and was about to check the time. But I couldn't find my phone. Rihanna. I drove to her house remembering the neighborhood. I pressed on the bell and she let my car in. I jogged to the door and she opened it before I could knock. I laughed. "You want your phone?" She asked while waving it in my face. I laughed. "Yeah." She smiled. "Then come in. I wanna talk to you." I stepped inside and we took it to the balcony. "Mhm. So Wayne?" She asked. "Im falling for him but he might be interested in someone else." She looked down. "So yall didn't speak today?" She asked. "Yeah but interruptions" she looked at me with a forreal face. I nodded. "He was gonna tell me something but I got tired of waiting." I continued. "Oooh. So you just ran off without this?" She laughed waving it in my face. I tried grabbing it but she pulled away laughing. "What are you doing tonight?" She asked. I shrugged. "Maybe cook for myself and my roommate." She swallowed her wine. "Roommate? You're living with someone?" I nodded. "My best friend. I'll always live with her. Or when my career picks up I'll get her a house." She nodded. "Are you a good cook?" She asked. "Amazing." I shot back at her. She laughed. "I'm invited right" I pretended to think for a moment.  I nodded. She grabbed her jacket and gave me my phone. We walked out. She followed me to my place and o unlocked the door. Guess Sherika wasnt home yet. I let her in and she immediately made herself comfortable. I lifted an eyebrow and she shrugged and giggled. I ignored her and went to cooking. I heard talking. Sherika is home. Her and Rih are having a convo. Everybody gets along with her. Waybe and now Rih. When they spotted me, they stopped their conversation. Great. Secrets too. Sherika: Girl. You aint tell me you know Rihanna.

Me: I didn't think it was important.

Rihanna: You didn't think I was important?

Me: No. No. No. Dinners almost ready.

Rihanna: Ok. Hurry. Im starving.

Me: Shut up.

I disappeared back into the kitchen.

Rihannas POV:

I watched as she went back into the kitchen. Before Sherika spoke.

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now