Do we?

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Wayne's POV:

I thought for a moment. I want everyone to know that she's mine. Officially mine. Mine and only mine. But what about the media? Shes just coming up and I dont want to give her a reputation yet. I sighed. "Its best if nobody knows yet. Maybe a few people but make it people we can trust." She looked at me with a confused look. "Nic understand, you're just coming up. I dont wanna announce our relationship and then people think you're only signed because you're dating the boss." She nodded. "I understand." She said briefly then turned to look out the window. "Hey." I said. "As soon as your career kicks off,  I'll make sure everybody knows you're my girl." She laughed. "Everybody." I repeated. I started the car as she started our conversation. "What if Sherika is up? What will we tell her?" She asked looking worried. "That we went on a date. Sherika is one of the people you wanna tell right?" I asked popping an eyebrow. "Yeah. I just dont wanna tell her now. I wanna let her wonder." I chuckled. "So you haven't finished your song yet Missy." I said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her look up from her phone. "Massive Attack? Oh yeah Sean is coming to the studio tomorrow. We'll be shooting the video the day after." I nodded. "You excited?" I asked. "Fucking excited." She replied enthusiastically. I laughed. "And your love?" I asked. "Yeah still need to write a verse." She said. "Oh." I replied switching off the car and getting out. I opened the door for her. As soon as we got to the front door I asked. "Any other music?" She tugged on my arm and whined. "Stop talking about work! I just wanna chill for a second." I laughed and opened the door. Sherika was sitting in the living room, along with Rihanna. Like I dont see her enough. I'm not being rude I just saw her a few hours ago and now she's in my house. Nicki moved away from me and entered the house first. "Hey." Rihanna said in that crazy accent. "Where were you two?" She questioned. "Studio." Nicki lied. I smiled and nodded. I threw my keys on the table as Nicki sat down in the living room with the others. I grabbed my phone and saw: 2 missed calls  - Drake. I also saw two texts. Drake : Where you at man?  Birdman: Youre wasting time here Tune.

I pulled a face and called Drake.

Drake: Man where you at?

Wayne: I'm at my house homie where you at?

Drake: At the studio. Waiting for you.

Wayne: Its late bruh.

Drake: Just come.

Wayne: Okay. I'm on my way.

With that, I grabbed my jacket and phone. I walked into the living room. "Hey yall.Im heading out real quick,  just lock up will ya?" Sherika nodded and I opened the door. I practically sped to the company. I walked into the studio. I was greeted by smoke and the smell of alcohol. Also Birdman, Drake and Tyga. I dapped them up and sat down. "Man whats up?" I asked. "Well, our verses are due tomorrow. I did mine and we been waiting for yours all day but you aint show up." Drake said. Shit! I got up and walked into the booth. I listened to what Drake and Eminem had recorded. Drake sounded real good. I cant even compare with Marshall. I sat there for about an hour and had my verse all done. "Yo Baby, drop the beat." I said. Birdman quickly hopped out his seat and did as told. I started spitting my verse and was satisfied when I finished. "Ayo Tune that was fire man!" Tyga said patting my back. "Man. An hour!" Drake said praising me. I laughed. "Alright. Only Kanye needs to do his and then we're done." He said lighting up a blunt. He offered it to me and I refused. "I gotta get back home." I said. "See yall whenever." I said dapping them up. I rushed back out to my car. I got to my front door and checked the time on my phone. 01:23. I unlocked the door and walked in. The lights were off except Sherikas. I walked in to see her and Rihanna passed out on the bed. I sighed turning their light off. I walked down the hall and saw Nickis was already off. I walked to my room and removed my clothes. Leaving me in only my boxers. I got in the bed and gasped as I found another body. I turned on the lamp revealing Nicki. I smiled and turned the lamp off. I then wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and smiled at Nicki. She was still asleep. I kissed her on her forehead and grabbed a pair of pants. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs. I found Sherika and Rihanna in the kitchen. "Morning sleepyhead." Rihanna smiled. "Hey yall." I said back. "I hope you dont mind, we're making breakfast." "Nah not at all." I said allowing them to continue. I went back upstairs and took a shower. I walked out wrapped in a towel from my waist down. To find Nicki awake, just staring at the ceiling. She looked over at me. "Morning." She smiled. I did too. She got up and walked to her bedroom. I got dressed quickly as I heard the shower in Nickis room turn on. I walked downstairs to find an empty kitchen. The dishes were washed and there was a not laying on the table.
We went to Rihs for the day Wont be back til tonight. Breakfast is in the oven. Enjoy :)
Love, Rika.

I sighed. I know what they're doing but I dont care. As long as Nic and I are alone. I got the food out the oven and felt two short arms wrap around my body. I smiled and turned around to look at her. "You didn't give me my morning kiss." I pouted. She smiled with her adorable dimples. "I'm sorry." She said as I leaned in. After I pulled away she looked around. "Wheres Rika?" She asked. "Gone." I replied. She smiled and motioned for me to 'come here' with her finger. I leaned in again and we made out. "Mhm. Sherika made breakfast." I said pulling away. She smiled as I handed her the plate. "This girl really knows me. Her turkey bacon is off the chain." She exclaimed. I laughed as we walked to the living room. "Whatcha wanna watch?" I asked surfing the channels. "SpongeBob." She replied. I turned my head quickly. "SpongeBob?" I frowned in confusion. "Hey. I will watch SpongeBob til I die." She said pointing a finger at me. I laughed and put my hands up in defense. I then quickly turned to SpongeBob. She was quiet for the rest of the show. When I finished eating I put my plate in the kitchen and fell back in the couch. I checked my phone. No messages. Great. An off day. "You have to go anywhere today?" I asked her. She shrugged. "Not that I know of. Sean cancelled" She replied. "Okay. So are you going to tell me about this guy?" She frowned in confusion. "The reason you're living with me." I enlightened her. "Its just..." she looked down. "Hey." I lifted her face by her chin. "You can trust me." I reassured her. She nodded and sighed. "I just dont wanna talk about it right now." I nodded. "Okay,  but remember. You and Sherika can stay as long as you need."she nodded and lied her head down on my shoulder.

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now