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Nickis POV:

I woke up alone in the living room. I decided to freshen up before anything else. When I finished getting dressed, I walked past Ariannas room and she wasn't there. Rihanna and Rika were fast asleep still. A moment later, Arianna came back in, giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"I see you found the gym."

"Yeah. I gotta find the shower now."

I laughed giving her the directions.

Sherika must have been having a massive hangover the way she was screaming. Rihanna was pissed as hell because of the noise and I was more pissed because I was trying to make a call. I decided not to and exited my contact list, just to see a new message. From Drake.

Hey Nic :) We coming over later so you better be expecting us.

Us? Okay whatever. Sherika walked in holding both sides of her head. I laughed.

"Sssshh. Nic not so much noise."

"Sorry. You just look Funny AF."

She glared at me before replying.

"Where's Ari?"

I pointed towards the bathroom and Sherika actually went in.

"What the-!! Oh my God. Nicki! Rika just threw up on the floor and I am not getting out of this shower until somebody clean this shit up!" I laughed. Arianna could be so black when she wanted to. But she wasn't.

In fact, Arianna was Mexican and Italian. She had those seasonal eyes people just fall in love with, amazing raven locks and of course the dimples. And I thought I was hot.

Sherika cleaned the floor and Arianna safely got out without having another problem.

As soon as I finished tying my hair, the doorbell rang. I ran and answered it, revealing Drake, Wayne, Birdman and Shanell. I smiled letting them in and sit down.

"The reason we're here is to inform you about the Young Money album."

I nodded as Drake started speaking

"Everyone gonna be in this one." I nodded, getting distracted. Sherika was trying to open the cupboard in the kitchen, but she was too short

"Rih!" "Rih" after she started calling Rihanna frantically, who did not answer, Drake and Wayne started laughing. I laughed along.

"Ari!" "Ari!"


"Girl get yo ass here.!"

I heard a heavy sigh as Arianna appeared around the corner. She didn't notice us and went straight into the kitchen, but of course, everyone's eyes were glued to her.

"Damn Ma. Who's that?"

"Lay off Aubrey."

He laughed but still turned around to look. She didn't come out for a while, but when she did she still didn't notice is and walked on.

Her hair was tied up in a pony now and she wore a crop top again revealing her abs. I heard her door close and I sighed. The meeting went on for a further ten minutes and then Wayne and Shanell had to leave. So I was left with Drake.

"Whats up with you?"

"Are you gon tell me who she is?"

"My friend."

"Your hot friend. Whats her name?"

"None of your business. Go home."

"Ok okay." He said putting his hands up in defence. He left but not before saying, "come to mines tonight. Bring ya friend too." He said winking at the word.

I punched his arm playfully and slammed the door. I sighed walking into Ariannas room.

She was lying down on the bed and focusing on her phone. I grabbed it out of her hand. She tried to grab it back, but gave up after a while. I laughed.

"Damn. Who made you tired?"

"I just really missed you."

"Awww. I missed you too bae."

She wrapped her arms around my stomach and squeezed me tightly. She rested her head on my shoulder. I soon felt her breathing heavily and I knew she was asleep.

She made herself comfortable and I grabbed a blanket throwing it over us.

I slowly drifted away...

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now