I'm fine.

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Still Wayne's POV:

She asked me to dance with her. I looked over at the beauty before me before replying with a no. She was angry but I brushed her off and continued talking to Nicki. Everything about her seemed so perfect and if our hands would touch there would be some sort of feeling and I'm sure she would notice it too by the look on her face. People started leaving at one am. She sat on the couch as I quickly tried to hurry the people out,  thanking them. I returned to the couch to see her body curled up Into a ball with her eyes closed. I smiled to myself and walked over to her.

Nickis POV:

I woke up to someone tapping me. Wayne. I didnt even have to open my eyes. I knew him by his cologne. I opened my eyes as he said my name in his deep Southern accent. I looked at him and he smiled. "Onika. Listen its late. Could you maybe sleep over tonight and..." I cut him off "Yes.". He chuckled a little before nodding and taking my hand. He led me to a beautiful bedroom and kissed me on the forehead before I pulled the covers over my head and fell asleep. I woke up at 10 am and re-tied my hair as I walked down the stairs. I looked around for Wayne downstairs. I gave up and went back up the stairs walking back to my room. I turned around before entering and saw an open door. Something about this door called me and I pushed it further. There I saw a tatted God lying. His chocolate coloured skin covering the cream sheets. I smiled and walked over to him. What am I doing? I crept into bed with him and lay my head down. I then felt his muscular arm wrap around my waist. I smiled and fell asleep. I felt complete.

I woke up another hour or so later to find myself in his room. The only thing missing was him. I walked downstairs and fouñd him in the kitchen. He smiled and turned to me before speaking. "Hey. You're quite a heavy sleeper." I blushed and he pulled a chair out for me to sit down. I sat down and we ate in silence. After our breakfast, he handed me a washcloth, towel, toothbrush and toothpaste. I looked at him before accepting. "What..." he shrugged "I do have a guest room with supplies for the guests." I smiled at him and went to take my shower. After the shower,  I walked into my room and picked up my phone. Lots of calls and text messages from Sherika. I texted her before putting my phone down and saw some clothes left on my bed. I picked them up and on the shirt was a picture of Wayne. I laughed before reading the note attached to it.
I forgot to give you clothes, this is the best I can do.
Love, Wayne.

I noticed he signed it Wayne. Maybe I can call him that. I shrugged and put on the clothes. The shirt was a lil long but made it work.

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now