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Nickis POV:

I couldn't believe my ears. It took a while for everything to sink in. He looked at me expecting a response but I was speechless. He turned his head in embarrasment and started to head for the balcony. "Wayne..." he turned around. "I feel this connection too. I know this unshakeable feeling. I just cant believe you feel this way." He came closer. "Nicki,  I've felt this way since I met you." He said grabbing my hands. I felt that feeling. I looked up at him and he smiled. "That connection?" He asked. I nodded smiling. "Nic. I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time." From how I knew him as a rapper, he looked like a playa. But something in his eyes was telling me he's being truthful. "Wayne I've been waiting for a longer time." He smiled and leaned in. I did too. Our lips connected creating this unexplainable feeling. He licked my lower lip and I granted him access. We were having a full on tongue war until he pulled away. He rested his forehead on mine. "Nicki. Will you go on a date with me?" He asked. I moved my forehead to get my vibrating phone out of my pocket. I apologized to Wayne before answering the phone. "Hello?" I answered. "Where you at?" The person replied. Safaree. "At a friends house. Why?" I asked. He sounded pissed. "Coz Im outside your door. Come now." He replied. "No." I said. "Please Nika." He pleaded. "I love you." He said. I shook my head remembering the countless times he said that and then hurt me. "No Safaree" I snapped and hung up. I looked over at Wayne.

Wayne's POV:

I felt two arms wrap around my body. "Yes." She whispered. I was cheesing hard. I turned around and kissed her. We stopped our make out session when the blue car returned. We sat down and busied ourselves with our phones. I could tell Rihanna was disappointed at the sight. I knew she set this up. I looked over at Nicki. "So what did yall do?" Sherika asked. Nicki shrugged. "Nun much." I jumped In and they nodded fixing plates. We ate and chilled at Rihannas place until 6 pm. Nicki and Sherika piled into the RR as I waved to Rihanna. As i got to their house I saw a car. It wasn't one of theirs. Nicki was asleep against the window. I looked back at Sherika who didn't seem to be paying attention to her surroundings. "You've got visitors." I said. "Fuck." She breathed as she looked up

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now