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Wayne's POV:

"What?" I asked. Sherika put her phone down. "That's Nickis ex-boyfriend. He used to beat her. Hes very violent. Im sure he's just coming back to break her heart." I sighed. Why didn't she tell me this? "Look." I said turning to Sherika fully. "Pack clothes and shit for yall. I cant have you staying here." I said calmly. "Wayne-" I cut her off. "I want yall to be safe. Please just go." She nodded and sped out the car. I looked over at a sleeping beauty. She stirred a lil and then fell back asleep. I smiled before turning back seeing the lights in the house go off one by one. I let out a relieved sigh as Sherika got into the car. "Thanks Wayne. This means alot." I smiled and nodded as we pulled out of the driveway. We drove in silence as Sherika busied her self with her phone. Sherika and I got out of the car and left Nicki inside. I showed her around the house and where she will be sleeping. She thanked me and I headed back to a car where Nicki was still fast asleep. I tapped her a lil. "Nic." I said. "Nic." She swatted my hand away. I chuckled. I tapped her once more. Her eyes fluttered open. "Wayne?" She asked. "Right here." I replied. She opened her eyes fully and looked at her surroundings. "Where are we?" She asked. "My place." I replied. "But-" "Ask Sherika." I replied. She nodded and I opened the door for her. She seemed to know her way around the house immediately marching up the stairs to one of the guestrooms and found Sherika. I watched as she walked in. I decided to disappear and go to the kitchen. The last time we ate was at Rihannas. I decided to get takeaways since I'm not very good in the kitchen. As soon as I got off the phone, I went to my room and lied down for a bit. "Thank you Wayne." I looked up. Nicki stood in my doorway.  I sat up. "No problem." "Oh. Delivery at the door." I got up and went to the door. I paid the man his money and set the food on the table calling the girls. Only Nicki came down. "Where Sherika at?" I asked. "Asleep." She replied. I nodded and handed her food. She thanked me and we sat down in the living room. "Are we gonna talk about the fact that you never answered my question?" I asked.

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now