Phone Call

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Nickis POV:

I decided to call my best friend Arianna. We were friends before fame and we still are. We spoke and it turns out she's off from her job so she'll be flying in soon.

I moved out of Wayne's two days after the Dhea thing and got my own place. Sherika lives here but she's always running around somewhere.

---The Next Morning---

Nickis POV:

I woke up to Sherika making coffee. No, not the smell. Its like she was banging the dishes. This girl does everything loudly. And turns out She wasn't alone. Rihanna and her are always together.

"Do yall mind?"

They smiled.

"Coffee? We're going somewhere today . Be back tonight. "

I nodded not really caring and went to shower and get ready to meet Arianna. I got ready and decided to watch tv while waiting. When she finally came... I attacked her with this huge ass hug.

"Damn. Nic. You killing me."

I laughed.

"I just missed you so much."

"Awww. She missed me."

I lead her to the couch where we sat down and started talking. I realized that she hadn't really changed. Same raven locks, seasonal eyes. And them dimples. We sat for the rest of the night until she was excused to go to her room. Sherika and Rihanna fell into my apartment seconds later.

"We're home!" Sherika yelled. Rihanna shushed her and I think that told me who the responsible one was. Sherika was struggling to make it to the couch as Rih hung her head in shame.

A few seconds later Arianna re-entered the room wearing a pyjama sort of crop top making her v-line visible. Paired with a pair of long pants and her hair in a messy bun.

Sherika turned around, and gone was the alcohol In her system as she ran to embrace Ari.

"Nika! You aint tell me Ari was coming!"

"I would have if you were here."

"Oh come on Nic. Anyway this is Rihanna. Rihanna this is my day one bitch Arianna."

Arianna said hi but I noticed Rihanna checking her out. She smiled sneakily as Arianna came and plopped down on the couch next to me. She whipped out her phone and turned it on while Rihanna took a seat next to Sherika, never taking her eyes off my friend. Her phone started ringing and she got up excusing herself. I smiled and nodded. Sherika was out on the couch but Rih came practically sprinting over to me.

"Before you say anything, I may have a crush on your friend."

"I think I noticed."

"Which way does she swing?"

"Which way do you swing?"

"Either one."

"She's straight."

"Damn. She sucks."

"Yeah. She sucks dick."

Rihanna glared over at me before moving back to her spot. Arianna skipped back into the room and fell onto the couch, laying her head in my lap.

"Whats up babe?"

"Just really tired."

I smiled at her while playing with her hair. Rih was also passed out by now and Ariannas eyes were closed. I sighed turning off the tv and getting comfortable.

Wayne's POV:

Drake just called me. I kissed Christina on the cheek before pulling the blankets over myself but not before staring at My beautiful Trinidadian queen.

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now