That Magic

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Nickis POV:

Going to see Wayne today. I hope it's okay if I call him that. Wayne. I walk into his office and he gets up and opens his arms wide to hug me. I walk into it and its basically the best hug I've ever had. The warmest. "Hi." He says not letting go of me yet. "Hey..." I reply shyly and he lets go. I feel so cold. So empty. I hand him the contract and an instant smile pops up on his face revealing his grill. He thanks me and leads me by hand to the studio in the building.

Wayne: Here,  I need you to write your verse.

Nicki: Aren't you going to leave?

Wayne: Nope. I wanna see the magic. Duh.

Nicki: What magic?

Wayne: The magic you're going to make for me and the world

Wayne's POV:

Seeing and hearing her laugh is amazing. Her laugh was so funny that I myself couldn't resist laughing. "So, this is going to be a Young Money song. The first and maybe greatest. Its called Bedrock. I want you to listen to what we have recorded and then write your own." She nodded but then looked nervous as fuck. I grabbed her shoulders and assured her she was going to be great. I sat and watched her listen and then write. Sue me for wanting to see what a lyrical genius she is . She wrote a quite a few lines and then 'performed' it for me. I love it. Suddenly something clicked in the back of my head.

Wayne: Hey, I almost forgot. There's a Young Money party tonight and you're invited.

Nicki: But I didn't get an invitation.

Wayne: Im your invitation. Im small and cute and better than others. And it is my party so I can invite anybody.

Nicki: Okay... Venue and time  ?

Wayne: Hows about I pick you up and take you home?

Nicki: Okay. Thats cool. My address is...

Wayne: Onika,  I know where yo ass live.

Nicki: Okay. Time?

Wayne: I will be there at 7:30. Be ready.

Nicki: Okay.

Nickis POV:

My heart skipped a beat when he said Onika. I agreed and got in my car to go home.

Wayne's POV:

I just arrived at her house and touched the horn. She came out and waved at someone in the house. She looked beautiful. Beautiful is an understatement. She looks gorgeous. I rushed out and opened the door for her. She thanked me and got in. We drove in silence until I broke it.

Wayne: You look beautiful.

Nicki: Thank you. You too. Not beautiful but handsome.

Wayne: Thanks. I hear that too often. That Im beautiful.

Nicki: Shut up. It was a mistake.

Wayne: Calm down. Are you thinking of releasing an album soon?

Nicki: Yeah. Hopefully. Maybe two.

Wayne: Good. I'm sure you'll sell millions.

Nicki: You can dream.

Wayne: No I just believe in you .

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