Guess who I met

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Nickis POV:

I leaned in and he was about to close the space until the door opened. Revealing... Shannel. She immediately gave me a hug. "You working already?" She laughed. I nodded and looked over at Wayne looking at something on his phone. "Let me not interrupt you." She said. She grabbed something and looked at Wayne. "Hey President Carter." She said elbowing him. He greeted her and looked straight down at his phone. She shrugged and waved before leaving. I sat down and grabbed my pen and started writing.  He looked at me a few times before grabbing my phone. I paid no attention to him as he handed it back five minutes later. I saw two texts. Thinking it was Sherika, I unlocked my phone and saw two messages from A Weezy F Baby??
Weezy F Baby: Hey Nic :)
Weezy F Baby: You not gon answer me? Forreal?

I looked up at him and smirked before typing.
Me: Hi Wayne:)
Weezy F Baby: We've been here all day and I bet you haven't had food . You wanna go for dinner?

I thought. The only thing I had was his breakfast this morning.
Me: Sure. Tell me when you wanna go.

"Now." He said looking up at me. I nodded and gathered my things before he stopped me. "Nic. We're going for dinner. We'll come back." I nodded and before I knew it, we were in a restaurant. We ordered our food and in the corner of my eye I saw someone approaching our table. "This is the new girl?" Said a strong Barbados accent. I looked up to see Rihanna. I tried not to go crazy. "Hi. Im..." she cut me off. "Nikki." She said. I nodded. Wayne greeted her too. "How do you know?" I asked her. "A little birdie told me. Well actually it was Drake. He did mention that you were pretty. I thought he was exaggerating but I guess he wasnt. Youre beautiful." "Thank you." I said. "I also heard you're one badass rapper." I laughed and looked over at Wayne. "She is." He replied. Rihanna nodded and excused herself as she walked back to her table. I looked over at Wayne. He shrugged.

Wayne's POV:

Nicki seems to really like Rihanna. The waiter came around with our food and after three quarters of an hour we left. I drove back to the studio and we got her things. I dropped her off at home as it was late. She waved to me once she was safely inside. I honked and sped off with a Trinidadian girl on my mind. I got into my pyjamas and lay in my bed. I received a text.
Rih: Hey. Im having a get together tomorrow with Drake n Tyga n errbody. Come too. Bring ya friend too ;) .
Me: Okay. What time?
Rih: 9:30.
Me: k.

Rihanna and I weren't big on talking. To be honest, ion even know why I got her number. I shrugged and fell asleep dreaming of a certain Trinidadian Princess.

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now