What did I do?

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Wayne's POV:

I opened the door for her as she mumbled a thank you without looking at me. We walked in and I walked her to the room. "Did you have a good time?" I asked her. She nodded and sucked her teeth. I opened the door for her and she grabbed the bag from me and walked straight into the bathroom to change. I walked up to my room and did the same. When I came back to her room, she was already lying in bed under the covers. Alseep. I kissed her on the forehead and flicked off the light switch. My door opened at three am. She got in bed with me. I wrapped my arm around her torso and pulled her closer. I fell asleep like that.

Nickis POV:

I woke up with Wayne's arm still around me. He must've felt me move because he pulled me closer. "Its too early Nic." He said with his sleepy voice. "Yeah." I sighed and moved back into him and closed my eyes once more. I opened them and checked the time on his phone because mine is still in my room. He came in. "Checking my phone I see." He laughed. I smiled at him then stopped. I'm supposed to be mad at him. I shrugged and went back to my room. He followed. "Whats wrong?" He asked grabbing my hand. I sighed "Nothing Wayne. Why didn't you just tell me instead of making plans with Sherika behind my back.""im sorry Nic. Please forgive me." He asked with puppy dog eyes. "Okay." I nodded. He smiled. "Now lets get you an Im sorry breakfast kay?" I smiled and went to the bathroom. I showered and brushed my teeth. I got dressed and did my hair.

Waynes POV:

"Wayne. Something is missing."

A Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now