Chapter 30: I'm Sorry

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(This is probably the last thing I ever thought I would do. But someone gave me a cool idea and it being that I had writer's block and it being my thirtieth chapter, I wanted to make it a special chapter. So, as requested by @Ellie_croftx, here is chapter 30.)

Gale's POV

The bells jingle softly as the bakery door shuts behind me. The shock on Peeta's face was evident. That's probably the last thing he thought I'd say to him. Hell! it's the last thing I thought I'd say to him. I've never really liked him. He was from a well off merchant family while I struggled to help my mother keep ours alive. He had never had to sign up for a tessera, while I had my name in six times when I was only twelve.

But he's who Katniss needs now. I would never had understood her nightmares like he does or be able to look her in the eyes again knowing I killed her sister. I understand what she had been talking about when we had gotten our bows in 13. How she had been shock I thought killing a person would be easy. It was but some of them stick with you. Like Prim and those children. They haunt my dreams each night. Katie has had to wake me up most nights.

And Katie has been amazing. I met her when I first moved to 2, trying to move on from Katniss. She worked with a lot of 2's other citizens building the district back up. Needing money, I joined there crew and we fell in love like you fall asleep. Very slowly, then all at once. She was the twin sister of the District 2 tribute, Cato, whom Katniss had killed on her and Peeta's last night in the arena. She sometimes screamed for him in the night, just like I used to with my father. We got married just before we came to 12 to visit Rory, Vick, Posy, and my mother. Katie had just insisted we stop at Delly's little dress shop. When she disappeared from my sight, looking through some racks and I made my way back to the front of the store when I saw something I never thought I'd see.

Katniss stood in a white dress, looking at her reflection. She looked stunning. But then I realized it was a wedding dress. And even though I had Katie and was happy with her, I couldn't help the pain my heart at the realization that she was getting married, something she swore she'd never do. And to Bread boy at that. I called out to her and she let her temper flare. She screamed at me and I introduced her to Katie. We talked quietly about the old days but when we left she just stared at me. The same pain I felt reflected. Even though we we happy, we couldn't deny what could have been.

I knew she'd tell him. She tells him everything anymore. I used to be her secret keeper. Now Peeta is.

When I get back from the bakery, I tell Katie we need to go home tonight. She asks my why but all the memories of how I used to feel out there with Katniss in the woods come back and I sob in Katie's arms. I finally tell her and she looks at me understanding.

"You need to talk to her before we leave, " she tells me.

"What?" I ask her, "she hates me."

"You have to at least say goodbye," she says, "you ow her that much from last time." Her eyes shine and she hands me my jacket. "I'll pack up here and you go say goodbye." She practically pushes me out of the house and locks the door.

I begin the journey to the Victor's Village, the five minute journey taking seemingly hours. I reach the door where she and Peeta live and knock softly. I hear the soft hiss of Buttercup and soft feet walk towards the door and it swings open. Katniss stands there shocked that I stand there.

"What are you doing here Gale?" she asks, not welcoming me in but not slamming the door in my face either.

"I came to say goodbye Katniss," I tell her and she chuckles.

"Oh so you do know how to say those words. Were you afraid that the lunatic that killed President Coin couldn't understand them?" she asks.

"I deserve that. I wouldn't blame you if you slapped me across the face right now. I want to apologize for what happened after the war. How you were treated. I figured you wouldn't want to see me. I would have let you take that pill. Peeta probably never told you this but I saw you go for the night lock and made no move. Peeta saw and after you bit him and was sent away, he told me I should be ashamed to say I loved her if I would just stand there and let her kill herself.And I was. I was gonna let you kill yourself. He deserves you. I never did. Live a happy life with him. You both deserve that. I'm sorry for the suffering I put you both through," I start to walk away and hear her start to follow me.

"Gale wait!" she says. I turn to see her taking a few steps until she stands on the edge of her porch. "Will you still come to my wedding?"

"You still want me there?" I ask her.

"Gale, I don't trust you like I used to, but it would mean a lot to me if you came," she says looking at the ground.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world Catnip." I see a sad smile cross her face at the use of her old nickname.

"Goodbye Gale" she says.

"Goodbye Katniss," I say and turn walking towards the entrance of the village. I as I walk I pass Peeta. I nod slightly to him as I pass.


"Gale" he says walking towards Katniss and their home. She rushes of the porch and holds him, their arms warp around each other. And watching them, I don't think I've ever seen her happier.

When I leave that night holding Katie in my arms as I sleep, Can't help but finally feel the weight I've been carrying forever, finally lift off my shoulders.
Hey! Not what I planned but I figured I'd make it special. This is weird chapter, but I liked it. Thanks so much again to Ellie_croftx for giving me this awesome idea. I hope to update more often when basketball finishes. I'll see you all soon! Until next time.

Love y'all
Rock on!

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