Chapter 17: Unexpected Visiter

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Katniss' POV

When I wake up in the morning, I notice the date. December 31st. Its New Years Eve. This is an important day in the districts. A celebration that they have survived another year of poverty. Well, at least that's how it used to be. Now we are free and no one starves anymore. So whats the point. To me, it celebrates a totally different thing. Its the end of the year of the Quarter Quell, end of the year Peeta was taken from me, and most of all end of the year that my sister was killed. After tonight, I want this year to stop haunting me.

I give up on trying to sleep. I've got to much on my mind for that. I walk down the stairs to find a plate of cheese buns, but no Peeta. I notice a note pinned under the plate. I pull it out and it reads:


Sorry I left before you woke up but i had some things to get at the Hob. I'll see you by lunch time



What would he have to get. As i sit down on the sofa, to eat and ponder why he would go, I hear a faint knock on the door, so gentle I can barely hear it. I walk over to the dooor and open it to the lat person i thought I'd ever see at my door. Annie Cresta or I guess Odair since she married Finnick.

"Hello Katniss," Annie says in her small voice,"Can i talk to you?"

" Sure, come in you must be freezing." I say and stand aside to allow her and her slowly forming baby bump in the door.

"How have you been?" I ask her as she sits down.

"Tired. Its been hard with out him." She says in her odd way of talking.

"I'm so sorry Annie." I tell her, tears forming in my eyes.

"For what?" Annie asks truly stumped.

"If he hadn't gone with me, If he hadn't stayed back to protect me from those stupid mutts, He would still be hear with you. He would help take care of you." I cry.

"Katniss," she says looking down at the ground, " that's why I came her to talk to you. To tell you to stop blaming your self and move on with your life. To live a happy life with Peeta."

"What?" I ask her through my tears.

" Its not your fault. He loved you like you were his sister. You helped him recover after I was kidnapped. He would have done anything to protect you. He gladly gave his life because you meant that much to him. He knew what he was doing. He was 24, old enough to make his own choices." she tells me.

" But I can't just forget him." I say.

"Wouldn't expect you to." She says carefully getting up, " but he want you to move on. I never will be able to but you can Katniss. Live a happy life and though you remember those you lost, you will see them again someday."

"Thank you for coming Annie." I say as i walk her to the door.

" I felt that I had to." She says," I've been through the games too you know. Though he's gone, we have to remember he would want us to be happy. I hope to see you soon."

"I'm sure we will Annie." I say giving her a hug and watching her walk away. I close the door and go over to look at my family's plant book. As I'm looking through the beautiful sketches Peeta drew I get an idea of how we could move on and always have a way that will explain our past. And also to help us always remember those we lost.


So yeah supper sorry it took so long. and that its just a short filler. If I don't get wifi this week I will next week. I had a chance so I wrote because since I now have some of my friends reading this and 2.63k reads. I'm gonna try to update when I have Internet until then. Sorry about this again. Talk to ya soon. Love y'all.

Rock On!!!

-Ratchet Kayla ( my friends Katie and Emily will love that.)

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