Chapter 28: How Do I Deserve You?

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Peeta's POV

I come home from the bakery to find the house eerily quiet. Usually, I find Katniss waiting on the couch or standing by the door because she saw me walking through the window. But she isn't. I look all over the lower level of the house and don't find her. I know she's here because her boots and jacket, which she never leaves without, are sitting by the door.

I see Buttercup slink down the stairs and walk over to the coat closet. He starts to let out pitiful meows as he scratches the door softly.

"Buttercup, what on earth are you doing?" I say as I pick him up off the ground and scratch him behind his torn up ears. I've kind of taken a liking to the old grizzled tomcat. Sometimes when Katniss is out hunting, the old cat sits on a kitchen chair and watches me cook. Katniss and Buttercup have way more in common than they like to admit.

When he turns and bats at the door is when I hear the quiet sobs that wake me up at least once a week. I set Buttercup down and gently open the door so I don't scare her more than she might already be. When the door swings open silently on its hinges, I find her huddled in a ball, hugging her knees, rocking back and forth sobbing. She looks up at me with puffy, bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"Katniss what happened?" I ask her, kneeling down to her level. She just sits on the floor shaking.

"I..I..I saw G..G..Gale today," she stutters. Gale? He's back? But I thought he had some big shot job in 2.

"Come on let's get you cleaned up," I say and pick her up like a child and she wraps her arms around my neck. Gently set her on the couch and Buttercup crawls into her lap as I go to get a washcloth to clean her face. I come back and gently wipe her face. She's finally calmed down and gently stokes the cat in her lap. He lets out soft purrs, obviously calming Katniss down faster.

"What happend? When did you run into him? Did he hurt you?" I ask her. She keeps her eyes on Buttercup and softly begins to explain what happened.

"I went to Delly's to pick out a wedding dress. I had found the perfect one, one Cinna had made for me that had been passed through the lines to Delly after he died. I was looking at myself in the mirror when I saw him in the mirror over my shoulder. I turned and we talked, well more like he talked and I shouted. And then I met his wife. He married Cato's sister Peeta! He married the sister of the Person who haunts so many of my dreams. He might even move back to 12. Why couldn't he just leave and stay away?!" She cries, tears filling her eyes once again. I gently hold her as she sobs.

"He's moved on Katniss. You should be happy for him. I'm here for you. I'll never leave you," I tell her.

"Peeta, it's just seeing him today reminded me that no matter how much I love you, Gale will always have a place in my heart. I fell like I'm betraying you," She says looking at me with tears streaming down her face. She buries her face in my chest and I gently stroke her hair. I don't really know how to react to that. I knew this day might come, but I don't really know how I feel about it.

"I know you do. I can try to understand what he means to you. I just want you to know I love you Katniss. That I'm here when you need me,"I bury my head in her hair and silent tears fall down my cheeks. She starts rubbing my backs and softly humming something that sounds vaguely like she's sang it before. After one of my episodes probably. How can she stay with me when I'm so week. How do I deserve her. She pulls away and grips my shoulders, looking into my eyes.

"Peeta, ever since our first games, I knew I couldn't walk away from you. That no matter what Gale meant to me, you meant more. I don't need Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I have and always will need is my dandelion in the spring. My brightness that gives me hope that life can go on. That life can be good again. And you are the only one that can give me that," Katniss says, kissing me gently and passionately. She breaks away and holds me tight. I don't know how long we hold each other. Time just passes by without us really feeling it. Its like we are the only two people that exist.

What finally breaks us apart is Buttercup climbing up my pant leg and siting on Katniss' lap mewling because he's hungry. She breaks away and shoves him away. He sits on the floor and whines. She looks at me and sighs.

"Come on he won't leave us alone until he gets fed. Come on, I've felt your stomach rubble for the last half hour. I'll try to cook, but you'll probably need to help me," she says as she gets up, holding out her hand to me. I take it, get up and follow her into the kitchen. I finally feel myself smile again. I know that this whole Gale thing isn't over, that I'll probably encounter him sooner or later. But for right now, I'm gonna enjoy what Katniss and I have together, and hopefully we can live our lives in peace.
Hey guys. Sorry it took so long! I had really bad writers block. I kind of like this chapter because it opens a lot of doors and kind of give me some questions to answer. Like how will Peeta and Gale will react to each other. I'm actually wondering what your ideas for that situation would be. So comment what you think and hopefully update soon. Until next time thanks for reading!
48k reads is further than I thought I would get.

Love y'all
Rock on!

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