Chapter 8: Only Time Will Tell

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Katniss' POV

Did he really just ask me that? Two years ago, Marriage was unthinkable and children were an impossibility in my life. I never wanted marriage. But that was then and this is now. He is the only one who I would ever love. If he asked me what would I say? But I know the answer to that question.

I would say yes in an instant. He is the only one who could keep me safe. I don't need fire, kindled in rage. I need the dandelion in the spring, who's love is true and pure.

But children, I don't know. I never wanted children. I can tell Peeta does. The way he would watch the children play in meadow when we went there so he could draw. If he wants them, than maybe I can too. But I will never lie, having a baby scares me.

"Well Peeta ... if you had asked me a few years ago I would have said never in a million years." The light in Peeta's eyes dies. "But," I say and he looks back at me again hopeful, " now we never know what might happen in a few months time. I might say yes if the right person asked me." he blushes at that.

"Katniss, you didn't answer my whole question." Peeta says after a while.

"I'm getting to that. If I have children it will be after I'm married and I don't want to try for children. If I have children, they will be made from love not the sole purpose to just get a baby." I tell him.

"I wasn't expecting that." Peeta says after a long silence.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"Well I kind of expected you to get mad at me for even suggesting it. I've been back for what? A day?" he says kind of uncomfortably.

"Peeta, we only have each other. We both know that we will end up getting married sooner or later. We do need to discuss this if we want to be serious about being together. So now I ask you, what are your opinions on it." I ask him.

"I'd love to marry you. Not right away, but like you said maybe in a few months time I'll ask you. But we need to get used to being together again. We need our lives to fall back together first. And I never viewed having children how you described but you are right. If we are supposed to have children, then we will get them without.. well you know just to have a child. As long as I'm with you I'm happy." Peeta says.

We finish eating in comfortable silence. We go to the couch in the living room, and just hold each other.

"I'm going to take you somewhere at sunset" I tell him.

"Where?" Peeta asks.

"It's a surprise but trust me you will love it." I say.

"Do you want to bring food?" he asks.

"Maybe but we have all day to worry about that." I reply,"Right now I just want to sleep, because we sure as hell didn't get much last night."

"Yeah me too." he says yawning. And with that we curl up and I fall asleep to the peaceful crackle of the fire and the protective beat of Peeta's heart.


Hey guess where she takes him. it's perty obvious. but hey I just love the ideas I'm suddenly getting. I love this. anyway love y'all


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