Chapter 11: Flashback

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Katniss' POV

(One month later)

It's been a month since it began. The growing back together. We were slow at first. But little by little we fell back into the love that he had openly shown and I had hid. We are not all lovey dovey like when our lives depended on our love. We are just caring, holding each other at night to protect from nightmares, genuinely enjoying life and trying to let the past be what it is.

I wake up early, like everyday, and go out hunting. I gently kiss Peeta's cheek and walk downstairs. He's a late sleeper since he doesn't have a bakery to work in. The construction can't start until spring, and December has only just begun.

He makes me breakfast when I go hunting. I always come back to a hot meal. We spend every other week at one of our houses. I'd never tell him but I wish we would just pick one to stay in. His has better memories and Snow never slithered into it.

I travel through the woods with Rue, my mocking jay bow. Its more accurate and easy to hunt with in the snow. I travel soundlessly through the forrest, hunting for our dinner. I see something brown out of the corner of my eyes. I turn and see a deer. He is magnificent. I shot him through the heart, a quick painless death. This is the first deer I've killed by myself, no help from Gale. I'm so proud.

I field dress the deer and hull him home in my game bag. He will feed us for a least a week. I hang the carcass in the little food store Peeta built me.

I open the door to Peeta's house and instantly sense something wrong. It is getting late and I would smell Peeta cooking breakfast by now. But I don't.

"Peeta?" I ask quietly. I hear no response. I make my way to the dinning room. I gasp at what I see there.

Peeta sits in a chair shaking. He's holding on to the back of the chair so tightly his knuckles are white. His eyes are wide open and I see the clouded look I've see before in them. He's having a flashback to where he thinks what he was hijacked to think. I walk over and sit on his lap.

"Peeta?" I say as gently as I can

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