Chapter 11: Unanswered Prayers: Part 2 of Flaskback

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Katniss' POV

"Peeta?" I say as gently as I can fighting back tears. I put my hands on his shoulders. "Peeta, it's not real. your safe here."

"You're a mutt!" he says, in a voice more afraid than angry, " You killed my family!" I can feel the muscles in his shoulders tighten. He's going to defend himself. From the threat he was hijacked to believe exists. I do the only thing, I can think of, the only thing that's worked before.

I kiss him with all the passion and love I have for him. Hoping he will feel the love I know he feels for me.

"Not Real Peeta." I say very forcefully, "Don't let him take you from me! Please stay with me Peeta!"

His eyes dilate and then return to normal.

"Always." Peeta says after he returns. I lead him to the living room and help him sit back on the sofa. I hold him tightly and his arms slowly wrap around me. They are not as steady as they have been lately, but they are and always will be warm and strong. I don't know how long we sit there, holding each other. Eventually I calm down and decide to try to comfort him. I rock him back and forth, shushing him and trying to make him feel safe. Without realizing, I begin to softly sing to him.

"Just the other night

At a home town football game

My wife and I ran into

My old high school game

And as I introduced them

The past came back to me

And I couldn't help but think of

The way things used to be

She was the one

That I wanted for all time

And each night I'd spend praying

God would make her mine

And if he'd only grant me

This wish I wished back then

I'd never ask

For anything again

Sometimes I thank God

For unanswered prayers

Remember when your talking

To the man upstairs

Just because he doesn't answer

Doesn't mean he don't care

Cause some of God's greatest gifts

Are unanswered prayers

She wasn't quite the angel

I remembered in my dreams

And time sure had changed me

In her eyes to it seems

We tried to talk about the old days

There wasn't much we could recall

I guess The Lord knows what he's doin

After all

And as she walked away

I looked at my wife

And each day I thank the good lord

For the gifts in my life

Some times I thank God

For unanswered prayers

Remember when your talking

To the man upstairs

Just because he may not answer

Doesn't mean he don't care

Some of Gods greatest gifts

Are unanswered

Some of Gods greatest gifts

Are too often unanswered

Some of Gods greatest gifts

Are unanswered prayers"

"That was beautiful Katniss, I love when you sing to me." Peeta says quietly when I finish.

" Thanks Peeta. My dad used to sing it to me when I was little. He sang a lot of songs by Garth Brooks, a singer before the Dark Times." I tell him.

"Just have one question." he says.

"What?" I say.

"What's football?" he asks.

"I have no idea, but I do know one thing." I tell him, giggling a little.

" What's that?" he asks.

"You're my unanswered prayer Peeta. I may have thought Gale was the one for me, but I was wrong. I know now that you were the one who would keep me sane." I say and kiss him forcefully and passionately and the fire of love burns inside me. We break the kiss and lay down holding each other, drifting of to a peaceful sleep for the rest of the day until hunger wakes us.

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