Chapter 19: To Make You Feel My Love

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Peeta's POV
Together we peel the orange I bought at the Hob. Katniss and I break it in half and feed each other the wedges. The flavor reminds me of the juice the served us on the tribute train on the way to our first hunger games. I wish that had been our only hunger games. But I guess if those things didn't happen then I wouldn't be sitting here with Katniss. We wouldn't be getting married in June. And my family wouldn't be dead. They are dead because of her. No! Why am I thinking those things! I love Katniss! But she's a mutt. No she's not! I hate this. I really hate fighting with myself. But right now I'm too confused.

"Peeta, you okay?" Katniss asks. When I look into her sliver eyes, she immediately gasps and pulls me close. Half of me wants to push her away from me and run. But the other half wants her to hold me forever. When I eventually hug her back and my hands meet I feel how much they are shaking. How can she deal with a mess like me?

"Peeta," she says softly," I know what you see might seem real but it's not. It's shiny. It's fake. I don't know what your seeing, but it's not true." She's right. I know she's right. I feel my true self coming back and hold her tighter. "Are you okay now?" She asks, lifting my chin up with her finger so she can see my face. Her thumb gently wipes away a silent tear that is running down my cheek.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I'm fine now," I say quietly, not wanting to let go of her. Not wanting her to let go of me. And she doesn't. We stand there silently and she gently rubs my back, humming softly. It's the sound of her humming the sweet melody that reminds me of something. "Katniss, I have a surprise for you." I say gently pulling away from our embrace.

"And what would that be?" She asks.

"Just let me go get it from the study," I tell her.

"Oh no Peeta! You are not giving me a present. I don't need anything and I feel awful that you keep getting me things and I never have anything for you," Katniss says, putting her hands on her hips.

"Well I already got it so I might as well give it to you," I tell her. She sighs and frowns knowing she won't win this argument and she always likes to win. I walk down the hall and into the study. I pick up the beautifully crafted acoustic guitar. I had it made especially for her. But when I got it, it had looked so plain, so uniform everything she wasn't. So I had spent the last week painting it. It had turned out pretty amazing. I had painted the lake in the woods and the trees surrounding it. I had only seen it once in the fall. But I had painted it in summer or at least how I thought it would look in summer. I carefully carry it back to the kitchen and hand it to Katniss. Her eyes fill with tears and she gently set it on the table and wrapped her arms around me.

Oh Peeta I love it! How did you know I could play?" She says. She can play? Wow that's lucky.

"To be completely honest, I didn't. I just love it when you sing and I know how singing helps you. I figured this would help you make more music. Having something to sing to." I tell her.

"Well thank you. I love it. Madge showed me one and I learned how to play a few songs." She says gently.

"Can you play one for me now?" I ask her. She nods and picks the guitar up and begins playing the tune I heard her humming earlier. And when she begins to sing I fall in love with her all over again.

"When the rain's blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows
And the stars appear
And there is no one to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love

I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I've know from the moment that we met
There's no doubt in my mind
Where you belong

I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

Storms are raging ins rolling sea
And down the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing
Wild and free
But you ain't seen nothin like me yet

There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of the Earth for you
Make you happy
Make your dreams come true
To make you feel my love"

When she finishes she looks up and smiles at me. She looks beautiful and she sang her heart out in that song. I love her so much.

"I love you." I tell her.

"I love you too. She says taking the guitar off her shoulder and wrapping her arms around me. There I nothing I wouldn't do for this girl. To make her feel my love.

Sorry it took so long. I have some news. I won't have wifi until the 24th but I will write at home and update at school. I found out that if I write at home and save it I can update it at school. I didn't really know I could save without wifi but I do now. You guys will be getting my updates now. 8 days until mocking jay part1 and I can't go see it until the 29th. The trailers on tv are torture. Like the one where she's laying in bed with prim and you see she has peers locket around her neck. Ahhhhh anyway still love ya. Sorry you have waited so long.

7k love y'all so much
Rock on!

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