Chapter 12: Talking About It

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Peeta's POV

I can't believe how lucky I am. She takes care of me almost more than I think I take care of her. I have no idea how long that flashback would have lasted if she hadn't stopped it. All she does is try to keep me safe, make me comfortable.And she is amazing at making me feel safe and protected.

And when she sang, it calmed me down more than any sort of hugs and kisses. I hadn't heard her sing since the night I came back to her. Her voice is clear and beautiful, with the sweet rich sound of honey. Her voice is what I fell in love with.

We lie on the couch, her curled up on my chest. She is sleeping deeply, looking relaxed and peaceful. I love her so much. I can't help but think that I might want to ask her to marry me soon. Maybe for Christmas.

I really hope she would say yes. I don't really think she wouldn't, it's just always a possibility. I just don't know if she would let us have children. She told me long ago she wouldn't but when we talked after the rebellion, she said she would if life gave them to us. I just hope we do.

She starts to stir on my chest and I look down to see those beautiful grey eyes staring back at me.

"Hey." she says. "You getting hungry too?" after she says that I realize how hollow my stomach feels. We didn't have breakfast because of my flashback.

"Yeah kinda. Sorry about not making breakfast." I tell her. She instantly looks regretful.

"Oh that's ok Sweetie! You know that's not your fault. You can't help it when those flashbacks take over. Besides I think I brought home a big enough dinner for us to forget about being hungry now." She says.

"How'd you manage that?" I ask her.

"I got my first deer by myself. It's big enough to feed the two of us for at least a week." Katniss says looking at me pride showing in her eyes.

"Wow that is amazing. Where is it?" I ask her.

"The snow store you built me. I still need to butcher it out though. I would have earlier but well you know." she says.

"Do you need help?" I ask her.

"Sure if you can stomach it. I know you don't really like that kind of thing." she answers slowly getting up.

"I'll be ok." I say. She holds her hand out to help me up. I take it and she leads me out side to the food store. She opens the door and I'm greeted with the sent of blood. I really hate that smell. Katniss sees the look on my face and says, "You sure your okay with this. I can do this by myself Peeta."

"I'm fine I want to help you." I tell her.

"Fine but if you're going to be sick, you get out of here. I don't want spoiled meat." She says. At first I thinks she's mad but I see a smirk growing on her face. We set to work and as much as the blood disgusts me, we end up having fun making small talk as we cut and salt the meat. She puts most of meat in the snow store and looks back at me.

"Why don't you take that in the house and go get a shower, you clean up. I can finish here." she says. I give her a grateful look and head inside. I take a shower and go back into my room with a towel around my waist. I walk in to find Katniss standing in the doorway.

"Katniss, what are you doing?" I ask her.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry Peeta! I just came into get some fresh clothes l left in your room. I thought you were still in the bathroom." She says blushing. I grab my clothes off my bed and head back into the bathroom.

"You can use my shower. Just give me a second to get dressed and then I'll head down and cook up those venison (deer) steaks." I tell her.

"Okay thank you Peeta." she says and goes into the closet. I come back out dressed and she is standing by the bed.

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